"Why'd you do that?" He said frantically, grabbing my cold hands in his.

I looked at his grey body, staring at a drop of black slide down the side of his head. That must have been the blood.

His eyes looked down at the blood pooled on the ground, two lifeless bodies laying on the floor of the now red bathroom.

"I didn't want to live without you," I said with a smile.

His eyes looked up to me, his face splattered in the blood of my body.

"Let's go, darling, we must get you cleaned up," I say, dragging him to the door. Before I can reach for the knob, the door flies open, followed by a horrified scream.

The woman runs right into me, knocking me out of the way as she crouches down to the bodies, nervously turning the boy over.

"No George, no! You're okay baby, it's okay," She said fast, picking up the lifeless, blood-covered body in her arms.

She then lowers him down onto the floor, flipping over the girl's body.

"Oh god, oh god!" She cries, staring at the disheveled face of me. It was completely blown out, none of my features were distinguishable.

"You don't look like yourself," The boy next to me said quietly, staring at my body.

"Well duh!" I laughed, "You don't either!"

I kneeled down onto the floor, poking at a muscle in George's face, "Gross."

"You were so pretty," His voice so low you could barely hear it.

The woman beside me wails and cries over our bodies, her perfectly new white shirt getting stained with the blood from a hopeless teen and a psycho girlfriend.

I touch her warm hand softly, and she immediately pulls away, looking around the room fast.

"What was that?" She yelled, tears running down her face.

I giggled at her state, then stood up, turning to George, "Your mom's funny."

"Esther..." He starts softly, taking my cold, bloodless cheek in his hand, "Why'd you do it."

"George I already told you silly. What's life if it isn't with you."

Then, he smiles. A weak, relieved smile spread slowly across his face, "I'm glad you did."

"You are?" I ask surprised, the same smile falling onto my face.

He nods, then pulls my face forward, connecting our cold lips together in a lifeless kiss. The blood on my face and lips mixes in our tasteless saliva, giving it the taste of pure iron.

I hum into his mouth, drowning out the cries coming from his mother. Then, as I pull away, he takes my hand in his, guiding me out of the bathroom.

His dad was out, probably at work. Oh was he going to be devastated when he sees red and blue flashes in front of the house.

I wonder what my mother will think. My brother maybe. Fuck... my brother. He was probably at home right now, playing his video games with no thought in his brain other than winning.

Oh, how I'd miss him.

"Where do you want to go first?" He asks, kicking the door open with his foot.

We walk out into the cold London air, scanning down the cobblestone street.

"Let's go to Clay's!" I beamed, "I know how much you've been wanting to see him."

"But he won't see us," He laughs.

I shrug, "Doesn't mean we can't hang out with him. Let him know we are there."

He giggles, covering his chapped lips with his hand, "I want to look scary first. Let's go get dressed into something good."

I nod excitedly as pulls me fast down the street, running right through careless elders and sappy couples.

He pulls me through a glass door, the bell at the top ringing as we head inside. The owner looks at the door suspiciously and we giggle, heading through an aisle.

It was a dress shop. Wedding to be exact. Endless aisles of white dresses filled the store as we ran through the fabric.

A black dress catches my eye and I walk over, standing in front of it. I take it in my hands, but the fabric that I thought was soft, felt like miles of thorns on my fingers.

"That one?" George mumbles as he hugs me from behind, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"No," I say, squinting at the fabric. It looked like silk.

"Feel this," I say, giving the dress's skirt to George.

He takes it in his hand and immediately drops it, letting out a gasp.

"Who's– Who's over there!" The store owner yells. I turn to George with an excited smile on my face. I give him one more look before holding my hand out, running through the aisle as I hit every single dress.

The store owner screams, hiding behind her counter in fear.

I giggle at her, then turn back to George who's picking a suit off the rack. I give him a smile before turning around and picking out a dress of my own.

I find a light blue dress with a slit all the way up the leg. It was more like a prom dress, but I didn't care, George's favorite color was blue, and I loved George.

I take off my blood-covered clothes, sliding on the dress, then turning back to George as he popped his blazer.

"Looking good," I smirk as he walks over, taking me into his arms.

"You look even better," He smiles down at me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"911 yes," A frantic voice says behind us, "I think there's someone in my store, but I can't find them."

I roll my eyes, then turn back to George, "Stupid woman."

He giggles, then looks past me at the scared woman, "What an idiot."

I pull at his hand, guiding him out the door. I make sure to ring the bell extra loud before heading out onto the street.

I twirl around for him, letting the dress catch the slight wind running through the dimly lit streets.

"Beautiful my darling," He praises, "Absolutely stunning."

I expected heat to rise to my cheeks, but it never came. The feeling right now of being flustered by his stupid compliments felt like nothingness.

I smile at him fondly, then take his hand, "We have a taxi to catch."


"Gosh, it's cold in here," The man on my left shivers, laughing awkwardly at the driver.

He shivers as well, "The heat is all the way up, I don't know what's going on."

"Maybe you should have worn your jacket like I told you to Jimmy," The guy on my right laughs. The smell of alcohol filled the car.

I look back at George catching his eyes on me. His hands laid gently on my waist as I sat on his lap.

I put my head through the roof of the car, feeling the wind blow through my hair. It was a wonderful feeling that I wish I had felt when I was alive.

curse of forever (Feb 2022)Where stories live. Discover now