• chapter II •

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Childes pov;

My performance is in 5 minutes and because of the lady's warnings i was afraid, could i be in danger because of some CEO guy? I truly hope not it would be fucking shit if it would be like that honestly. Well before all of this idol shit i did serve in the millitary so im sure that will help.

"Mr. Ajax its time to go on stage in 2 minutes so please let us escort you there" someone from the staff called out.
"Yes im coming" i quickly answered trying to hide my nervousness.

Overall the place where im performing is nice, everything is inside so i dont have to worry about wind messing my hair up or stuff that will ruin how i look like. The stage was surpisingly big and the audience of course were mostly teens with parents as always.

"Hello Liyue Harbor!"

As the people started screaming i saw a few colleuges that said they wouldnt come.
"I tought you two wouldnt come Scaramouche and La Signora, what changed your mind?"
"Dont get all cocky me and Scaraboobs came because we needed to, now which song first?"
"How aboutt ___"
"Good lets start already vermins"

We performed and everything webt great, the performance was 2:30 hours like excpected and now we just needed to sign autographs, take pictures and go to the nearest bar that sells rum.

"Mr Childe please sing this autograph"
"Childe make a picture with me!"
"La Signora i love you!"
"Childe im your biggest fan
"Scaramouche step on mee!!"
"La Signora take a picture with me"

After all the craziness there was only a few fans left because most left because they lack patience or they got everything they needed, a young blue haired girl with her father came to me.

"Hello mr.Childe please sign this autograph..!" She sounded very introverted and akward
"Of course, would you also like a picture?"
"Y-yes please!"
"Ganyu give me your phone ill take the picture" her father said,
her father looked really young tho, he looked like he was in his 20s-30s and the girl looked like 16-17.
"If you dont mind me asking are you two related?" I asked
"Yes! In fact hes my uncle, we have a small age cap so we get along pretty well" the girl 'Ganyu' said.
"Ohh i tought you two were father and daughter"
"Nope but he definetly is better than the father that left me, isint that right Zhongli"

Suddenly me, La Signora and Emo twink froze, we all stared at eachother then 5 seconds later we continued talking to fans.

"Are you okay? You all froze on the spot did something happen?" The older man asked.
"Yes sorry about that, well heres your autograph"
"Thank you, good bye..!"

After the performance and the things with fans.

"Ugh today was too tiring.. " The twink called Scaramouche said
"I know right, Liyue has more crazy fans than mondstadt!" I said
"For real, i want alcohol so you gays have to come with me" La Signora said
"Sure, i have been needing rum for such a long time" i said

They're at the bar now.

"This is a really nice bar, the furniture is luxurious and everything" I said
"Yeah i agree with the gay ginger" mr bowl cut & mommy issues said.
"Okay whores lets go, mr bowl cut here will pay" La Signora said swinging her blonde hair back.
"WHY ME!?"
"Because you started with calling gay ginger a gay ginger"

La Signora and Childe later had a drinking contest because they could actually handle alcohol unlike Scaramouche.
Scaramouche stayed sober while Childe drinked 4 bottles of wine and took 8 shots and La Signora had 3 bottles of wine 7 beers and 6 shots making La Signora win because of the beer.

"God you 2 are disgusting like this" Scaramouche said
"Whiat? Oi Bitte halt die Klappe, deine Mama hat verdammte Arschprobleme" La Signora said
"иди умри скарабеи.." I said
"もし同性愛者がこのタコベル言語を私に話してくれるなら、日本語を話してください" Scaramouche said

Third person pov;

A man came inside the bar

"Hey you! Could you help me!" Scaramouche yelled out
"Yes how can i help?" The man said
"Can you get this ginger to this hotel, just say his name and show his face and they will help him to his room, please do that i have to get this blonde to her hotel too"
"Im not sure.."
"i- fine ill help"

The man took Childe and started going to the hotel.

"Huuh wher am ii¿?" Childe started talking
"Hello mister, i belive we met during your concet when you were giving my niece her autograph" the man they call Zhongli said
"Ĥuhah whar conserrtt"
"Well it seems you are truly drunk then."
"Oihhsoh i knowr yoir, *drunk noises* yoi hav noic eies. Heegh"
"Excuse me?"
"*more drunk childe noises*"

Zhongli sighs and sees that hes at the hotel.
He goes inside to the receptionist

"Hello, excuse me this man needs to go to his room i believe its under the name Childe?" Zhongli said
"Oh yes, may i ask what happend to him?" The receptionist asks
"I dont know if im allowed to say"
"Well thats fine, i believe hes too heavy for me to carry so could you help him up, ill have my coworker escort you to his room"
"Yes thank you.."

The worker escorted Zhongli to Childes room.

"Here, ill go now," the worker said
"Wai-" Zhongli tried to say but the worker had already gone away.
"*sighs* i need to help you even more now.." Zhongli said
"Whar goin on??" Childe asked
"Oh your awake ill help you to your bedroom and go then"
"*sighs* nothing"

Zhongli helped Childe to his room and layed Childe on his bed.

Childe Suddenly grabbed Zhonglis wrist as Zhongli started going away.

"Im Zhongli, please let me go-"

Then Childe


1032 words

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