Story 6: Horror

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Remember that last paragraph in Story 2: Chum? Well here it is.


When the sky turned into an orange color Trouts dad knew what was here. Big Run. Inkblot Art Academy had been closed a few days ago for this. Trouts dad entered their room and before he could say anything Trout stood up and left.

Arriving at Grizzco, Trout texted Mako and Reef that they were going to do Big Run for the weekend. Then put their phone away in the locker and got their Slopsuit on. Leaving the Locker room, they saw how crowded Grizzco was. They just barely got into a shift.

After being launched out of the helicopter, Trout was given a Splattershot. They started inking the ground of Inkblot Art Academy for the team. It was low tide so Trout rushed to ink more of the ground. The first wave was normal. They made more eggs than they needed. 38/21.

The next wave, Trout was gifted a Flingza Roller. It immediately made them think of Nova. The sky turned dark and the water rose, their teammates all looked at each other, then at Trout. They all hid behind them. Little glowing orbs that Mr.Grizz called GlowFlys attached themselves to Trout. Salmonid after salmonid came rushing towards them. Trout swung their roller down and slowly walked forward. It splatted the chums. Then a teammate behind them splatted a Goldie. The GlowFlys left Trout and attached themselves to another teammate. For a quick second, Trout dove in the ink to refill their ink tank, then put their roller down again. One teammate was going back and fourth, putting eggs in the basket. The GlowFlys went to them next. Trout hurried to splat the Chum going for them. When the wave ended and they passed with the right amount of eggs, Trouts teammates started whispering to each other.

"That kid is good."
"Yeah, it's kinda strange"
"I agree. And they only look fourteen years old!"

They kept talking while inking the ground around them.

"I heard they're already a Profreshional +3"

The next wave started. It wasn't much. Trout just kept working hard and amazed their teammates. When the wave ended, Trout sat down and wiped the sweat off their forehead. One of their teammates, an inkling, walked up to them.

"Hey kid! You did amazing!"

Trout only smiled. The inkling was going to say something but was interrupted by Mr. Grizz.


Trout quickly got up and looked up. A long, snake like salmonid flew in the air. It had large plain yellow eyes and something in its mouth. The inkling held his arm in front of Trout.


It opened its large mouth and screamed. It was the most terrifying thing Trout had ever heard and seen. They were frozen. They tried to move and help their friends fight that beast but they couldn't. While the other teammates worked, the inkling grabbed Trouts shoulders and looked them in their wide eyes. They dropped the weapon that was given to them. A scrapper came behind them. A quick "This Way!" And a teammate came to splat it.

"Look at me and breathe."

The inkling shook Trout to get their attention.

"Kid, breathe. Go next to the egg basket, sit and breathe. We'll deal with this."

For the rest of the wave Trout sat next to the Egg basket. The inkling stayed close to trout to make sure that salmonids and Horrorboros's bomb didn't hit them. By the end of the wave, the inkling covered Trouts eyes as a blinding light filled the sky, and Horrorboros was gone.

When Trout took off their slopsuit and exited the locker room, not forgetting their phone, the inkling was waiting.

"You did a great job kiddo. How old are you anyways? Fourteen?"

Trout nodded.

"Wow. I've never seen a fourteen year old here at this hell hole."
"My dad makes me."
"I feel ya. Remember to take breaks, you're only a kid. Even if your dad makes you do this, sit down and get a drink of water or something between shifts."

The inkling patted Trout on the head and left. That made Trout feel nice.

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