chapter 7

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

❥𝑘𝑎𝑧𝑢ℎ𝑎 𝑃𝑂𝑉

I woke up after what felt like forever...I expected to be at my house or somthing but I wasn't.

I realized I was in..a bed? I quickly looked around as I got up. I didn't know where I was but the room I was in was huge. I then hesrd the door start to open. I got nervous I was worried it was that guy I seen but instead it was....kunikasushi!?

He looked at me with a bit of worrieness in hes eyes but he had a scary stare. "....what am I doing here?" I asked ashe chuckled.

"Well your pretty little ass almost got captured" he said as I blushed a bit. Pretty!? Pretty!? Really...

"Well..yes did you know" I asked as he walked closer to me "ha well lucky for you I was out an about. Seems like you just can't get away from me" he said as I rolled my eyes "whatever...can i have my things back so I can go..." I said wondering where I could actually go.

"Nope. I can't let that happen. Do you want to get killed " he said as I nodded. He had a point that man could of killed me so I understood.

"Ok...then where are we" I asked as I seen kunikasushi cross hes arms "well where in the palace...specifically my room" he said as he smirkd.

"Wait...I'm in the your room...and was in your bed..." I said as he nodded. I felt my cheeks heat up.

I heard kunikasushi chuckled as he looked at me "look I came up here to tell you my mother...the queen wanted to speak with you" he said in a cold tone of voice.
'He must really hate hes mom' I thought.

"Wait...can I do it later...I'm still processing my thoughts" I said as I sighed.i felt sick to my stomach all of sudden. Maybe because of all this stress as I slumped down to the ground. I seen kunikasushi go tourds me as he knelt down "hey your not dying on me are you" he said as he relaxed a bit. I shooked my head no although I felt like it.

I heard him sigh although I think I did. Evrything was so loud, I heard my heart beat in my ears. I knew this was because I was stressed and worried what would happen to me. I didnt want to go back to my parents...or wores...

♡kunikasushi pov

"Oi do you hear me.." I said as I seen kazuha looked pale. I got up and grabbed some nausea pills and water as I handed them to him "drink them it will help..." I said. He gave a week nod as he slowly drank the water washing the pills down.

In my heart it hurt seeing kazuha look like this but I couldn't express that really it was weird!

I sighed sitting next to him as he still sat there still looking un well "look tomorrow you can talk to my mom....just get better" I said as he gave another week nod. I got up and helped kazuha to my bed laying him down I went to leave as I felt somthing grab onto my hand. I turned and of course it was kazuha.

He looked at me with a pleading yet week look "pleas...stay.." he said softly.

'Damnit he was so cute'
"Fine..."I said as he went around the other way in my bed. I laid next to him as he  weekly turned and looked at me. I sighed and turned, It was to embarrassing to look at him like that. After awhile though I heard soft snores, I knew he was asleep and after a bit I felt myself drift off to sleep as well.

Yooooo I return after a little break glad to see me 👀

𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 - kazuha x scaramouchWhere stories live. Discover now