chapter 8

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

❥𝑘𝑎𝑧𝑢ℎ𝑎'𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣

I started to wake up...agian?

I sat up as he rubbed my head a bit. I looked around and of course I was still in kunikasushi's house....castle...ugh I don't know.

I noticed I slept in hes bed agian and it's not like I'm complaining it's just embarrassing. He looked over next to me since I heard the sounds of someone sleeping and of course it was kunikasushi.

But....he looks so peaceful and cute while he sleeps. I know this might be wrong but I want to kiss him.

He laid back down this time facing kunikasushi as he looked at hes face. It looked so perfect and inotivrd my attention had been brought down to hes lips.

They looked so perfect and soft but I can't tell anyone that. I so want to give him a kiss but I can't....right?

Maybe just a quick kiss wouldn't hurt anyone....

☆no ones pov

Kazuha laid there staring at the sleeping kunikasushi. To kazuha he looked perfect ((and to all those simps out there)).

He desperately wanted to kiss him but he didn't want him to wake up or anything. Kazuha let outba sigh as he turned the other way blushing as he panicked a bit.

He turned back around looking at kunikasushi as he looked back at his lips. He questioned hes decisions as he leaned closer to kunikasushi to kiss him of course but was introurupted by knocking on the door. He noticed kunikasushi started to wake up as he quickly turned the other way blushing trying to fake he was asleep as he stayed still.

Kunikasushi sat up grouning as he looked at the door "im coming im coming" he said annoyed already as he went and opened the door and to hes surprise it was hes mom.

She never really came to talk to kunikasushi herself ahe would of sent someone to come get him or to jsut send a message to him.

"What do you want?" Kunikasushi asked crossing hes arms as he mom sighed "I cam to discuss the problem with that kadihara kid" she said as kunikasushi rolled hes eyes.

"Yeah snd what...csnt he just stay" he said grtting really annoyed already. "No...hes causing to much trtrouble. Theres already a bounty on him. I'm not holding someone like him in the palace any longer" she said in a stern tone of voice as kunikasushi looked at her.

"Then...I'll marry him....I have that choice right....I mean you said I have to married at some point and crap so wh yvsnt I just choice who I want to marry" he said trying and hopping this would work to protect someone who he cares for.

"...yes I did say that bur you can't just marry him....hes family is probably against it from what I can tell and he's not even royal" ei said as she looked over at the fake sleeping kazuha.

"And besides he won't fit in this family he'll only cause us problems" ei said as kunikasushi slammed hes foot on the floor "Shut up!!" He yelled as ei looked at him surprised.

"I don't care what the hell you say....I love him no matter what anyone says....and I say I want to marry him!!" He yelled as ei looked at him "that's enough! Your such a hard headed child!" She yelled "you get on my nerves so damn much! Fine if you want to marry him then fine..." ei said trying to calm her self down as she sighed "...look if you really want to marry someone like him then fine ill prepare for it " she said befor walking away.

Kunikasushi sighed as he slammed the door cursing under hes breath as he turned to see kazuha awake.

"I..heard all of it" kazuha bluntly said.

"a-and I think it's best If I jsut leave...ive been a burden to you to much already" he said ss he stood up.

"No...I'm not letting you go back to your house where who knows what will hapen" he said as he walked over to him.

"Listen kadahara I ment what I said...I love you and I'm not letting you go anyware" kunikazushi said as he looked at kazuha.

"If you so I'll kill you" he said codly as kazuah looked at him.

"Thats not very romantic" he said softly not really threatened as he sighed "fine I won't go anywhere" kazuha said softly as kunikazushi rolled hes eyes.

"Whatever" he said crossing hes arms as kazuha smiled "look this gives us time to get to know eachother better" kazuha said as he sat on  the bed.

Kunikasushi sat next to him "alright...what do you want to knoe?"he asked.

"I uhm..don't know" he said softly as kunikazushi let put an annoyed ugh befor he pinned kazuha on the bed underneath him.

Kazuha looked up at kunikazushi as kunikazushi looked down at him.

Kazuha blushed as kunikazushi leaned in closer to kazuhas lips.

Kazuha got nervous but closed hes eyes and befor he knew it he was kissing kunikazushi back.


Hey!!! I'm back also uhm yeah just wait till next chapter hehe 🤭✌️✨️

𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 - kazuha x scaramouchWhere stories live. Discover now