first years

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AS THE TWO GREW closer, it was obvious to their friend Mirio, and their more recent friend Nejire Hado, that the two had developed feelings for each other. It was clear to Miro and Nejire that neither of the "anxious two" as they reffered to them, wouldn't confess to each other anytime soon. "We should try to get them to confess." Nejire said. "Sounds fun! I know them very well though, they won't fall for tricks like that." Miro said in response as they watched the two sitting on the swings talking to each other, using their thirst from the run they had just went on as an excuse to leave them be. 

The anxious two swayed back and fourth on the swings and chatted about whatever it is that came to mind. Their first year of high school was coming to an end, and they had both grown so much. Tamaki still being taller than the girl. As the two spoke a butterfly landed on Y/N's hand. As she brought her hand closer to her face, the butterfly moved to her nose. The girl stayed still, she enjoyed moments like these. While some creatures were scary to her, especially insects, and strangely enough, frogs. She found butterflies beautiful. It was known by the taller boy that Y/N loves butterflies, he had been friends for her long enough to know that she found them absolutely stunning. In fact she had multiple items of clothing with simple butterfly images on them, she even had a butterfly tapestry in her room. She had went on tangents about the insect and even once mentioned that her biological father, who lived in America, often sent her items from Bath and Bodyworks that were named Butterfly. Though he knew the girl wore many perfumes, when she wore that smell he always thought about how caring she had talked about her father's small gesture of affection. He found himself thinking of the girl when he saw the insect, snapping pictures of them and sending them to her. 

Tamaki pulled his phone out, slowly so he didn't scare the butterfly, and snapped a picture of the girl and the insect. Though Y/N didn't notice the pick tint that spread across the indigo haired boy's face, she did notice him taking a picture, becoming extremely flustered she stared at the boy who giggled at her flushed state. He rose his hand to her face, letting the butterfly crawl onto his hand, Y/N becoming more flustered due to him being so close to her. 

The other two had joined them on the swings and had actually started to swing. Eventually they decided to mess around on the other equipment in the park and it had become colder and darker outside. Y/N had started to shiver, moving closer to Tamaki to keep warm. "Are you cold?" the boy had asked her, as they watched their friends try to use the equipment that was obviously meant for much younger kids. The girl shook her head in response. As soon as he saw the girls answer, he grabbed his backpack and pulled out the extra hoodie he had brought with him, and putting it over the girl's head. The girl slid into the hoodie, feeling much warmer. She looked up at Tamaki and smiled "Thanks!" she said. His face flushed at her being in his hoodie, he had let her wear his clothes before, but he had still became flustered. Since it was a Friday and Y/N's mother, step-father, and sister had been out of town she would be spending the night at the Amajiki house. 

"C'mon guys! Join us!" Nejire shouted over to the pair from the top of the rock wall slide that her and Miro had climbed up. The pair walked over, challenging each other to a race up the rock wall. Reaching the top, the girl almost falls. Before she could, Tamaki wrapped his arms around her waist. "Careful!" he said, as the pair started laughing. Little did they know Mirio and Nejire were taking pictures and recording from the bottom of the slide. 

Y/N slid down before Tamaki and the blue haired girl had called them over to her once again. "I'm gonna head home." she said with a yawn. "I'll walk you!" Miro exclaimed, placing a hand on the girl shoulder. "Tamaki! You should walk Y/N home!" Nejire exclaimed, prating that the boy would agree with her. "She's coming over my place to I have to walk her home." He said, scratching the back of his neck. Not thinking much of the situation until the memory of Mirio telling him about his crush on Nejire. Walking her home seems like a romantic thing. He thought. Nejire becoming star eyed at the fact that the pair she hoped would get together were having a sleepover. 

Mirio had so casually slipped his hand into Nejire's, a pink dust covering both of their cheeks. "Bye Neji, I'll see you on Monday!" the girl said, giving the blue haired girl a hug. While the two girls hugged, Tamaki and Mirio did their little handshake thing that they made up. "Try holding her hand Tamaki. She'll appreciate it." Mirio told the indigo haired boy, his voice low so that the girls wouldn't here. "I'll try..." The girls broke from their hug, Mirio grabbing Nejire's hand again as they all said bye to each other.

"We should probably head home as well." The girl said. "Yeah, let's go." He said in response, quickly grabbing Y/N's hand and looking away to hid his flushed face. 

Arriving at the house, Tamaki unlocked the door and the two traveled to his room. The Amajiki parents didn't mind the two sharing a room or a bed as they are only kids. The door was allowed to be closed, but the boy's parents were allowed to frequently check on the pair. The Amajiki family loved having Y/N over, they felt as of their son was fully himself around her. That is why they trusted the pair so much alone. 

When they sat on the boy's bed, the girl rested her head on Tamaki's shoulder while he played Fall Guys on his TV. Eventually the girl fell asleep and he moved the girl so that she was now using his lap as a pillow. He put on some random show on Netflix and played with the girl's hair, drifting into a deep sleep. 


its going to switch to first person when they hit third year

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