i really like you

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YOU WOKE UP IN Tamaki's room, Tamaki's bed, Tamaki's clothes, and Tamaki's arms. You tried to move the boy's arms off of you so you could get up and use the bathroom only to earn a hum form the boy and his arms to tightening around you. "Don't go." The boy said, sleep still evident in his voice. His voice sounded deeper than normal and it caused your face to flush. "As much as this is comfortable, I have to use the bathroom so please let me go." You pleaded, he let you go but not before making you promise to come back. 

You grabbed your phone to check the time, it was still dark outside so you didn't have to be up for a while. You unlocked your phone to see that the time was 3:33a.m., considering it to be lucky since it was an angel number, you took a screen shot of your lock screen. You then saw that your sister had sent you a message. You opened it to see a picture of you and Tamaki on the couch from early in the night. You downloaded the image and made it your lock screen as your previous one was from February, still you and Tamaki, but this one was the two of you in the snow hugging. You loved the pictures like this, and were debating making it a dynamic lock screen so that it would change when you tapped it. 

Once you returned to Tamaki's room you showed him the picture, he asked you to send it to him and opened his arms for you to come cuddle with him once again. After a little bit of silence the boy spoke up. "Hey Y/N?" he asked, you hummed in response to let him know that you are listening. "I really like you." The boy said, his grip on you tightening. "I really like you too." You responded. He planted a kiss on your forehead "This is going to sound odd and out of nowhere but will you be my girlfriend?" It felt like you two were the only people in the world at that moment. "I would love that." You responded, the two of you relaxed even more than you were before. He kissed your forehead once again and he played with your hair until the two of you fell asleep. 

Your alarm went off at 7:00a.m. and it was time for you two to get up and see your sister off for collage. It was going to be emotional and Tamaki wanted to be there for you through the whole experience. You had your entire life with your sister, and now you weren't going to see her everyday. Sometime before she had to go you had told her you and Tamaki were official and she was so excited for you, you told her that she was aloud to tell your dad's family, but to not tell anyone other than them. You wouldn't be telling your mom as she was convinced you and Tamaki had been together for a while already. 

As you said goodbye to your sister, tears were shed from the both of you, but she had to go. Once she left you and Tamaki just relaxed for most of the day and he let you speak on your worries about your sister moving out and going to collage and you being left with your mother. Eventually the topic changed and you two moved to talking about your new relationship. 

"You know how Mirio and Neji are trying to set us up?" You asked Tamaki. "Yeah, I guess we beat them to it." The boy said with an airy laugh. "We shouldn't tell them and see what happens." You suggested, it was a genius plan and the two would eventually be happy when they found out. "Sounds fun!" He responded, the two of you played Minecraft and laughed together for hours. You didn't really mean to but you spent the night at Tamaki's again. 

You two were currently having a pillow fight in his room and he had your cornered on his bed, you couldn't get down and you could tell he was waiting for the right moment to knock you over so he could win. While thinking of your next move he tackled you down, your back hitting his bed while he pinned you down. The two of you stared at each other for a few seconds, your faces so close that you could see the details in his irises. "You're so beautiful." The boy said, his heart rate increasing and his cheeks flushing. "Kiss me." He said after seeing your flustered state, his confidence spiking after seeing how you reacted to his closeness. You pulled him closer by his shirt collar, pressing your lips together. He brought a hand to your cheek to deepen the kiss slightly. You both pulled away and he laid down beside you. "I won!" he stated, referring to your pillow fight that he had actually won a minute ago. "Yeah, so what do you wanna do now?" you asked. The whole thing started because you couldn't decide who got to pick what to do next. "Let's make a cake." He said, pulling you up and dragging you to the kitchen.

"Can it be strawberry flavored?" You asked the boy, praying that he would say yes. "Yeah, we might have to go out and buy some things though." The boy said. "That's fine!" You said, happy to just be able to spend time with the boy. Tamaki grabbed a pitcher from the fridge and poured the two of you water, he handed you yours before drinking his own. While drinking it he spilt water on his shirt. You laughed at this and he joined you. Eventually he went up to his room to change his shirt. You waited for Tamaki on the couch as he went to change his shirt. You played on your phone, accidentally tuning out your surroundings. 

Tamaki snuck up behind you, planting a kiss on your cheek, startling you. "You ready to go?" He asked. "You scared me! But yeah, I'm ready." You said while standing up. 

The two of you walked to the closest store to his house, just talking about whatever came to mind. You picked out all the ingredients you needed to make the cake and got drinks and other snacks. You checked out, and left.  


a little ooc but whatever. sorry for no updates ive just been lazy lol.

next chapter is going to be very fluffy and sweet.

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