29. take on me

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HER BACKPACK IS FILLED with needed items, some unneeded but the book will entertain her.

    Small footsteps creak behind her and like a sixth sense, Gwen knows it's Lark. "Where are you guys going?" Lark asks in a soft voice. The girl sighs. She was kind of hoping she'd slip past Lark but she knows if someone important in her life did that, she'd be pissed. Lark steps closer, waiting for an answer.

    "Uh, a trip," Gwen vaguely replies. "Can I come?" Lark excitedly asks. "It's not like, a fun trip, Lark," Gwen explains, putting the backpack on, "I'm sorry. I'll be back. Ellie will be back as well. It'll be alright," Gwen assures, resting a kiss on the young boy's head. Lark wants to smile but Gwen is leaving, Ellie is leaving and he has no idea why.

     "Gwen, you almost—Lark," Ellie stops when she walks into the room and sees him. "Can someone tell me where you two are going?" Lark sasses. Ellie and Gwen share a look, raising their eyebrows for the other to give more vague details. "We're gonna go find someone," Ellie shrugs, "That's all. It's just a long trip." Lark pouts a bit, "Bring me back a gift if I can't come."

    Gwen sighs. She wants to be able to bring the boy a gift. She doesn't even know if she'll make it home and if she does, she doesn't know if she'll be in one piece. "Yeah. Don't worry, Lark," Ellie rubs his shoulder. Gwen bends down and hugs the boy like she'll never see him again. She doesn't know if she will. She might not see anyone in Jackson again.

    Lark hugs back, his small hands giving her comfort. Gwen forces herself to pull back. Medora has locked herself in her room again. They stand at the bottom of the stairs, wondering to themselves if they should say anything to the woman. "She'll try to trick us," Ellie whispers. "This just isn't fair," Gwen whispers back, gaze locking on Ellie's.

    "It'll kill her. I'm not letting that happen," Ellie says roughly before turning away. Gwen sighs, glancing up at the bedroom door one last time before they reach the front door. When they open it, Kennedi and Flynn are packed and ready while Jesse, Jinani and Dina are ready to bid their farewells.

    "If we don't hear from you in a week, I'm showing up," Jin says, hugging Kennedi tight. "You have a tracker on me or something?" Kenni laughs but she'd believe it. Jinani giggles a bit though with no denial. "Please, come back alive," Dina says, quickly hugging each of the four. "We can definitely try," Gwen smiles. Dina sends her a deadpan look, scolding her silently.

    "You come back alive and I'll have a full course meal ready," Jesse exclaims, wrapping an arm around Flynn's neck. He stumbles a bit under the rough pull, eyes widening. "Lasagna?" Flynn asks, smiling up at Jesse.

   "Lasagna," Jesse repeats.

   Kennedi looks towards her sister, noticing the nervous fiddling of her fingers. The blonde sister rests a comforting hard on her sister's, stopping the fiddling. Gwen looks up, her blank staring turning into a thankful one as she faces her sister.

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