You Deserve Love..

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* Warning, talk of SA and SH

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* Warning, talk of SA and SH. You are insecure from your trauma and Taylor helps you through it*

Your POV

I sit with my bag packed.. fresh wounds on my thighs. Taylor deserves better. I sit on the couch waiting for her to come home- well her home.

I hear the door unlock, I take a deep breath before I stand up.

" God baby- I am so tired from the studio! So happy to be home with you-" Taylor turns towards me and looks at me.

She scans me from bottom to top.

" Y/n.. what happened to your thighs? W-Why do you have bandages on." Taylor says and looks me in the eyes.

I pick up the suitcase.

" Where are you going? Better yet where are WE goin-"

" I'm leaving Taylor."'I say trying to sound cold but it comes out as weak and fragile.

Taylor sets her stuff down.

" No.. no. Where is this coming from- and again. What happened to your thighs?"

" I- I cut myself."

I start to cry and Taylor sits me down and take me in her arms. I cry for a minute or two but I push her away softly.

" Taylor.. I really need to leave."

" Why do you wanna leave me? Did I cause this-"

" No. It's me.. I'm not good enough for you. I don't deserve you-"

" You do deserve me! We deserve one another."

I shake my head.

Taylor's POV

Y/n stands up abruptly. " NO. I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve you.. I don't deserve all the happiness you give me. I deserve to suffer!" She says and tears fall from her eyes.

I feel myself tearing up.

I stand up slowly, I grab her hands gently and kiss them. " Enough.. enough sweetheart." I say looking in her eyes.

" You deserve what I give you and more. Y/n you deserve the world. I love YOU. I'm IN love with you.. I need you.. and you need me. We are meant to be together."

I take her to the bathroom. I help her sit on the bathroom counter.

" I'm gonna clean these up.. ok? " I say and she nods her head. I pull out the first aid kit.

I clean her wounds gently, thank God they aren't deep. I put bandages on them and kiss the top off it.

I kiss the top of y/n head.

" Now.. let's talk about these feelings."

She doesn't say anything. " Baby.. you can't run away from this. Come on." I say and she jumps off the counter.

We sit on the bed we share.

I look at her with the most love.

She clears her throat. " I don't think I deserve your.. or anyone's love. I have been used and taken advantage of. I feel like that's all I am good for. You deserve a good, clean, happy girl. I'm
nothing but a sexual being. I deserve these cuts. I deserve to feel pain."

I feel tears falling. My heart breaks as my beautiful girl says all these things.. these hurtful words.

" Please.. don't say those things about yourself. I love you more than anything. You are the most beautiful woman in my eyes. You're not just a sex object.. you are creative and kind. You have the sweetest heart! You don't deserve pain.. you don't need to self harm. I am here forever, you are not getting rid of me.. because... You deserve love."

We cry and hold one another.

Y/n falls asleep and I hold her as close as I possibly can. She's my life. I will do anything to protect her and protect her beautiful, loving heart.

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