*fake* couple

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Next Day

Jin- Taehyung!?
Tae- Yes Hyung?
Jin- What is this?

He showed him a post from social media. That contained him and you together in the restaurant.

Tae- Ah they posted it....
Jin- explain?
Tae- We.... I mean I like her.
Jin- What??
Tae- Yes Hyung. It was our first date.
Jin- You can't be kidding.... you literally didn't like her few days ago!
Tae- That was when I didn't know about her. Now I know her, and I like her.
Jin- You know that father arranged your anniversary with Jisoo!
Tae- I don't like her hyung..... she is so annoying!
Jin- God saves you....

At Office

Manager- Congratulations Mam.
You- for what?
Manager- We saw you and Mr. Kim Taehyung together.....
You- Oh... Thank you!

You were finding how to breathe normally. You were acting differently. The Congratulations made you blushed. You didn't know what was happening to you.

You got a phone call from an unknown number.

You- Hello?
????- Is this Ms. Y/n Dutta?
You- Yes It is.
????- I am Kim Jisoo. I need to meet with ya.
You- I am kinda busy today.
????- Then can I go to your office?
You- Yeah u can come at lunch time.

She cut the call. You heart was beating like crazy. You knew a big Stroam was coming. Then you called Taehyung.

Tae- Hey!
You- Jisoo is coming at lunch time.
Tae- Oh.... she contacted you....
You- I am nervous.
Tae- Don't be. I'll be there.
You- Oh okay....

You cut the call and started doing your own business. You knew this game has no future for you. But all you were doing to help Taehyung.

At Lunch time

Jisoo came to your cabin. She was looking frustrated.

You- Please take a seat.
Jisoo- Are you kidding with me?
You- Pardon?
Jisoo- Taehyung is my fiance.
You- I thought you guys didn't have the engagement yet.
Jisoo- Who cares. Our families fixed it.
You- What can I do?
Jisoo- Why are you coming between us?
You- I like him, he likes me.... that's it.
Jisoo- You are a witch! I love him.... I have watched my future with him!

You didn't know what to say. You needed to break her heart through a lie. Cause of Taehyung. Even after this game Taehyung will get a happy ending but not Jisoo, not you!

Tae- We don't have a future together.
Jisoo- Taehyung??
Tae- I came to have lunch with Y/n....
Jisoo- Taehyung Don't do this. How could you-
Tae- We like each other. There is no one between us.
Jisoo- I love You Taehyung!
Tae- Jisoo listen to me... go to your dad and tell him this engagement can't happen. I'll talk to my dad.
Jisoo- I won't!
Tae- Even if you won't I will.

She became more angry than before and left.

You- This isn't right Taehyung..... she loves you.
Tae- She doesn't. She is just thinking that she loves me. You know when we first talked she told me perfect guys are those who have tons of money or looks. And she found both in me.
You- What did your family said?
Tae- Dad is out of India now. Hyung wasn't sure.... what am I doing. But they will understand. I can't marry her or join their business.
You- *sighed* had lunch?
Tae- Not yet..... came to have it with my girl!

You knew he was just playing but still it shaked your heart. You were getting weird feelings about him.

After having lunch he left but you couldn't focus on your work. You ordered drinks and had those alone.

You in mind- Y/n stop your shitty feelings. Control those. He is not in your business. It is all just a game. Stop thinking about him all the time.

At Home

Radha- So how was your day?
You- Fineee.
Radha- You got drunk again.
You- Ugh I was unable to focus....
Radha- Because you are in love!
You- *laughed* shit.
Radha- What did you say?
You- I am in.... love!

You went straight to your room and closed the door. Then went to the social media platform and saw those pictures of yours. You smiled and laughed.

You- we both look gooood together!!

Thank You for reading......
I am late again lol! How are y'all? Hope everyone is having a great life.

I went to watch a movie with my friends.... well my crush was there too. ;) but we are just friends!!!
That is so shitty, like staying friends even after having feelings.

But still it's better than confessing and break the frndship lmao!!!

Okay love ya guys ❤️

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