Is it a yes?

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● after 10 days ●

You and Jimin were almost friends by then. Taehyung left you flowers every day. You both just didn't talk.

At the 10th day.......

You saw Taehyung was sitting at the waiting chair. You decided to go to him. Jimin were with you too.

You- What is it Taehyung?
Tae- Y/n.... I just want to-
Jimin- Isn't he the same guy I am watching these days....?
You- He is Taehyung.
Jimin- Why are you disturbing her? Do you want me to punch on your face?
Tae- What....
Jimin- Get out and never ever come to here!
You- Jimin stop! I never said hr disturbs me, why are you insulting him?
Jimin- But you don't like-
You- Did I say that? When? I don't remember! You are my friend jimin but you can't insult someone whom I love-

You stopped realizing what you are saying front of Taehyung.

Jimin- You love him!
You- I mean....
Tae- Y/n am I still guilty in your eyes? Can't I deserve a forgiveness now?
Jimin- If you love him-
Tae- Jimin stop..... I am done with this thing!
You- You guys know-
Tae- He is my best friend, he wanted to help me. But I don't want it if you aren't willing to...... I will handle my emotions my feelings. I just wanted you to-

You lifted your ankles and kissed him on the lips. He stopped, so does his world. You didn't get any response so you were about to stop but he held your waist and kissed you deeply. Jimin was watching and blushing ( us Jimin us )

The whole office clapped then you guys stopped. Your face was so pinkish. You didn't dare to look at anywhere and left.

Jimin- You won the battle.
Tae- you guys can order whatever!! It's my treat today!

■ Next Day ■

Taehyung went to your home. Radha opened the door. She didn't take time to remember.

Radha- Madam is in her room.
Tae- thank you.... thank-
Radha- Go hurry!

Taehyung ran to your room. You just came out of the shower. He didn't bother to knock and you both were shocked.

You- Yah! Kim Taehyung! What are you doing in my room?!??!
Tae- ah sorry... sorry... I was-
You- Go out!!!

Taehyung went out and after dressing up you called him.

You- Uh... what...
Tae- It's our day 1!! So I came to say good morning!
You- You came all the way to my house to say good morning?
Tae- Yeah.... yeah!!
You- *giggled* Good morning... boyfriend!

Taehyung found himself feeling hot, blushed messily.

You- You are blushing?
Tae- Can't I?
You- Sure. Why not?

Radha called from downstairs.....
Radha- Both of you come downstairs and have breakfast!

You- Let's go.
Tae- Then we are going on a long date!
You- huh? Really?
Tae- Yesss!!

After having breakfast you both went out and he took you to a flower garden. It was full with tulips, with different colors.

Tae- As our love is perfect and deeper than the pacific ocean, I took you here Love!
You- So you did study about flowers! Or it was Jimin's idea???
Tae- Nope! He told me to take you at roses.
You- hmm that's good. I actually love tulips. They are simple yet so beautiful.
Tae- Even though you aren't simple, you are eternal. Pretty, I can fall in love with you in every universe.
You- *blushed* I love you Tae.
Tae- I love you more Love.

Then you both went to have lunch and then he took you for a long drive.

Then he got a call from his father. He looked upset.

You- what happened Tae??
Tae- My mom's health condition isn't well..... they admitted her into the hospital.
You- Oh no, should we go?
Tae- Yeah. Let's go. I am sorry.....
You- Shh, Don't say sorry. I know how much your family means to you.

He took you to he hospital. His whole family was there.

Ryuna- Taehyung, aren't you Y/n??
You- Yeah....
Ryuna- You both-
Tae- I'll tell you later nuna... how is eomma?
His dad- Do you care that much?
Tae- dad?
Jin- Dad you know him!
His dad- He knows her condition isn't well. The only wish she had that she wanted to see him married, committed with a good girl. But look at him. Broke his own marriage like a bad guy!
Ryuna- Appa nim..... he felt extremely sorry for that. He didn't want to marry Kim Jisoo. You know that.
His dad- What about now? Always running behind this girl.... what are you guys doing? Will you guys ever get married or it's just another game!
Tae- We....
You- Uncle I have no problem if he wants!

You said when you knew you weren't ready for it. But you had no choice left.
Taehyung looked at your eyes. His eyes were saying sorry. You signaled him to stay calm.

Tae- If this is the thing you all want. I will marry her.
Jin- That's my brother.
His dad- I am arranging for it. Just make sure you won't regret later.
You and Tae- We won't.

As he said they all started planning about your marriage. You have told him you don't really want your family to be there. And they agreed. They had no problem with it. You were trying to prepare yourself mentally.

Radha- A marriage means a huge responsibility. You need to give time and love to everyone. Your business and family both will be your priority from now on.
You- Can I do it?
Radha- You've got Mr. Taehyung beside you.

A small smile appeared on your lips. You can do whatever if he is beside you.

Thank You For reading ~
I hope you are loving it. We are gonna see a Wedding soon!!!

Are you all happy in life? Stay always happy, find something you want to do and something you like. Be healthy too.

Love y'all ❤️

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