The confession

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You- Taehyung wait....
Tae- Yes?
You- We can't meet anymore. I can't do this anymore!
Tae- Uh... what's wrong Y/n? Are you okay?
You- No I am not okay Taehyung. I am falling, falling for you badly. I can't carry this...

He remained silent for a moment.

Tae- I am sorry Y/n.... I only thought about myself. I was selfish. It's fine. We won't meet anymore.
You- That will be good..... let's break off this game.
Tae- yeah! I will take all the responsibility. I will answer the medias.

You smiled and turned back. And never looked back at him. Tears were falling down, but you had to say this. You won't be able to forget him or move on from him if he keeps helping you like he did that day.

You went back to your home. Found yourself helpless. But the fake game ended. You deleted his number from your phone and all the photos. But what about the memories of him. You didn't know how to remove them.

1 year later........

You came to your new office. The last thing you heard about Taehyung is he flew to New York. You didn't date anyone cause you never forgot him. You didn't know why he didn't get engaged with Jisoo.

You had a interview that day.......

Interviewer- Good morning Miss Dutta.
You- Morning.
Interviewer- You have reached the top of this business world now. How are you feeling?
You- I am happy but I have a lot to do still.
Interviewer- This is the question all of your fans were asking, are you dating anyone?
You- No I am not.
Interviewer- Is there any special person then?
You- Can I pass this?
Interviewer- Uh, is this because of Mr. Kim?

Your heart suddenly started beating faster. His name always made you like crazy.

You- *signaled something to your PA*
PA- Okay, this is it. Mam needs to get some rest now.

She somehow took you out from there. You sighed. You needed a small break. You went to the Cafe come restaurant where you always visited. When you were there there wasn't any empty seat. So the manager told you to share a seat with a guy.

You- Excuse me....

He looked at you and your world stopped there. It was Kim Taehyung. He looked exactly the same even more handsome. You didn't know if you can say hii or leave.

Tae- Hey Y/n....

You stepped back. He stood up.

Tae- Don't leave.
You- Uh... you, I mean....
Tae- It's the day we broke.... I mean we ended the fake relationship.
You- Taehyung.....
Tae- Y/n, I went to new York tried to settle myself there but I somehow felt guilty everyday. Every minute. I couldn't live there anymore. I had to see you. I don't know why but I think I need your forgiveness..... I need....
You- Taehyung, there's nothing to be sorry for. It was my fault that I ended up liking you.
Tae- Do you still like me?
You- What's the point of asking Taehyung?
Tae- I don't know but I came back just for you. I missed you Y/n!

You looked at him and his eyes were speaking behalf of him.

You- Taehyung.....
Tae- can you give me another chance? I promise I meant it.

Your eyes started sparkling. You couldn't believe in your ears.

Tae- Y/n..... are you angry at me?
You- I... I just don't know how to react.
Tae- Fine. You don't need to answer me now. But can I have a chance to make it up for you?
You- What do you-

He held your hand and went straight to his car. Then told you to get in. After you got in he started the car and left for somewhere.

When he stopped you saw it was a tulip garden. You got off and looked around.

Tae- You know what white tulips stands for forgiveness. I am asking you for it....
You- Taehyung I did forgive you already. I just wanna know why? Why did you come back?
Tae- Ah.... I came back cause of you. I just couldn't live there.


At New York ( 6 months ago )

Taehyung was still inside the hotel. Something was eating him from inside from day 1. He couldn't figure out what was that.

Suddenly his phone popped up. He opened the message and saw a news about your new event. His heart ached. Seeing you in blue velvet saree his heart ached more. The smile wasn't on your face. He understood what was eating him.

Tae in mind- No Taehyung, you have only one thing on your mind. You have to focus only on that. You were the one who never liked her...... or may be you were too selfish to get her.

*few months later*

Taehyung couldn't focus on anything. The memories were keep roaming around his head. He again checked his phone. Jin called him 5 times.


Tae- What happened hyung?
Jin- Where were you?
Tae- I was in the bathroom.
Jin- Have you heard about Y/n's accident?
Tae- What???
Jin- She got hit by a car.
Tae- Is she okay? Where is she now??
Jin- She is in hospital now. But I heard she is out of danger.
Tae- I.....

He felt wetness on his cheeks. He was crying. He cut the call and and kept touching the tears.

Tae- I need to go back to India. I can't survive like this...... I don't wanna leave her alone anymore!

*Flashback ends*

Tae- It took me few days to get ticket.....
You- Can u give me time to think over?
Tae- Yeah, it was my fault......


~~~~~~~~~~LOVE U BABES~~~~~~~~~~~

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