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Jimin can't help the fond smile from stretching across his lips when he spots his boys. Jungkook is seated on the floor, crayons spread out on the floor, his little tongue peeking out as he seems immersed in the card he's making. Hoseok finishes painting a bauble and toddles over to Taehyung, who's in the corner of the room, setting up the christmas tree.

His boys, Jimin thinks, smiling wider as he walks in and ruffles Jungkook's hair. Jungkook's so engrossed in his artwork that he doesn't even register it though and it has Jimin giggling. He compliments Hoseok's painting and drops a kiss onto his forehead before he stands up and presses his lips to Taehyung's lips.

"Hey, babe."

Hoseok doesn't seem grossed out as most kids would and Jimin knows it's because Taehyung hasn't shied away from displaying his love for Jimin before his kids. His belief is that children learn through observation and he wants them to know that later on in life, when they have their own partners, they should treat them with love and respect.

It's a thought that even Jimin has respected, because knowing the background of his children, they've come from families that have failed to show them love. And not just love towards them but love towards their own spouses and that embeds within them (his children) a different way of thinking. It embeds within them the thought that treating your significant other like nothing but trash is alright, when it most certainly isn't.

"Hang it on the tree, bub. It looks beautiful," Taehyung says, ruffling Hoseok's hair and the toddler stretches his arms to put the ornament on the tree.

"Attach the star. The kids will decorate the rest of the tree then."

Taehyung nods and climbs the step ladder. Jimin hands him the star and the younger male fixes it atop the tree.

"There," he announces with a satisfied smile and dusts his palms, "the star is fixed."

"Hobi, kookie. Dada fixed the star already. Once you're done hanging the baubles, call me okay?"

Hoseok nods. Jungkook doesn't give a response. Taehyung climbs down the step ladder and folds it.

"Get the fairy lights, love. We'll hang them up outside."

Jimin helps Taehyung carry the step ladder outside while he drapes the lights over him like a dress. Taehyung bursts into giggles when they set the ladder down and he catches sight of Jimin. The older male laughs alone, posing like a model on a runway but gives it up immediately when he finds the neighbor— a sweet old lady—staring at him as though he'd grown two heads.

"Sorry, Mrs. Kelly," he calls, cheeks bright red but thankfully not visible due to the dull evening light. Taehyung rolls over in the grass with laughter and as soon as the old lady is gone, probably convinced that Jimin is gone cuckoo, the older male pounces over Taehyung, throwing in a playful punch or two.

"Quit laughing," Jimin whines.

"You're so adorable," Taehyung chuckles and Jimin blushes.

"Shut up already."


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