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Taehyung hangs one side of the fairy lights, adjusting them properly, when there comes a loud scream from the house. He freezes almost immediately and Jimin ditches the fairy lights on the ground, rushing inside the house. A loud wail reaches his ears as he rounds the corner and enters the living room.

There paint scattered on the floor and all over the card Jungkook had been working so hard on. Hoseok's on the floor, a paintbrush in hand, tears rolling down his rosy cheeks as he wails while Jungkook stands ahead of him, lower lip downturned into a pout, brows furrowed as unshed tears glisten in his eyes.

And Jimin realises what must have happened. Hoseok must have accidentally dropped the paint which fell over Jungkook's painting, thus ruining it, which triggered the younger boy. And in response to that, Jungkook must have pushed Hoseok. There and footsteps and then Taehyung is beside him.

"What happened?" He asks, taking in the scene.

Jimin sighs and kneels beside Hoseok, tugging him to his feet and hugging him to his chest. He rocks him gently as Hoseok whines, "kookie pushed me."

Taehyung takes the paintbrush from Jungkook's hand and stares at him, "did you push Hobi?"

The toddler nods, "Hobi destroy Kookie's painting."

"Accident," Hoseok mumbles with a sob and Jimin shushes him gently, rubbing his back in gentle circles.

"It was an accident, baby. Hobi never meant to ruin your painting. And what have I told you about pushing or hitting your brother?" Taehyung asks, his tone gentle yet firm.

"Not to," Jungkook mumbles, pout never leaving his face.

Taehyung nods, "we don't hit or push or kick or do anything physical to express our anger in this household. Use your words instead, baby and talk about what makes you angry. Are you happy now that you hurt Hobi? No right? Now go on. Say sorry to your brother."

"No!" Jungkook shouts, tears sliding down his cheeks and Jimin's eyes widen. The boy has never spoken back before.


Taehyung's brows furrow.

"Aren't you going to say sorry to Hobi for pushing him?"

"No," Jungkook almost growls out.

"Jungkook," Taehyung warns and Jimin can tell things are getting a little ugly, "that's it. You sit in time-out and think about what you've done."

Taehyung extends a hand to hold Jungkook's and the next thing Jungkook does has both, Jimin's and Taehyung's jaws drop open.

He smacks Taehyung's hand.

Smacks it and screams, "NO."


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