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"Kim Jungkook!" Taehyung thunders and Jungkook's face falls, a broken sob escaping him and he stomps his little foot.

"No no no," he cries and Jimin decides to handle it instead.

"Babe," Jimin calls out and Taehyung looks at him, seemingly lost as to why Jungkook would even behave that way, "why don't you and hobi decorate the tree? I'll take Jungkook upstairs for a little while."

Taehyung nods and peels his eyes off the screaming toddler, scooping little Hobi in his arm and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Jimin approaches Jungkook and gently takes the boy in his arms.

"Hush, baby," he soothes, carding his fingers gently through the younger's hair as he climbs up the stairs to their bedroom.

The boy keeps crying, his body trembling occasionally with the force of his sobs. Jimin, concerned, sits over the bed and makes Jungkook pull away so he can get a look at the toddler's face.

"Hush, sweetheart. Can you tell me what's bothering my kookie?"

Jungkook chokes on a sob and mumbles out a response that Jimin doesn't catch.

"Can you repeat that, darling?"

"Hobi ruined card."

Jimin nods to indicate that he's listening. If anything, he wants Jungkook to be able to express his anger so that Jimin can tackle the problem much better. From experience, Jimin learnt that handling a kid takes a hell lot of effort and a whole lot of patience. Moreover, when children throw tantrums and misbehave, it's important to show them love and of course, be a little firm.

"Is that the reason my kookie is so upset right now?"

Jungkook hiccups and Jimin swears it has his chest clenching, because which parent likes to see their child break down like this. No one, right?

He thumbs away the tears that slide down the boy's cheeks and encourages him to go on.

"Kookie's christmas gift," Jungkook chokes out and Jimin rubs his back softly, "for you and dada."

"For me and dada."

Jungkook nods.

"Can you stop crying? Breathe for me, baby. And then we'll talk okay? But first I'll need you to stop crying. Can you do that, baby?"

Jungkook nods and buries his face in Jimin's shoulder. Jimin understands exactly what Jungkook's asking for and holds him tighter, dropping little kisses to his hair. He rocks them gently and when Jungkook's sobs subside, he pulls away.

"Can we talk now, baby?"

Jungkook nods and Jimin thumbs away his tears.

"Kookie was making card for dada and appa. Kookie wanted to give appa and dada a present."


"Hobi hyungie threw paint on Kookie's painting and now dada and appa have no christmas present," Jungkook sobs.

"Aye, baby—"

Jungkook only sobs louder, "kookie can't give dada and appa christmas present now."

Jimin shifts on the bed and holds Jungkook close, "baby, you've already given me and dada the best christmas present ever."

The little boy looks at him through tear-filled eyes, "kookie gave appa and dada best present?"

"Yes," Jimin nods, "you are the most beautiful Christmas present to us, baby. Both you and Hobi."

"Me and hobi?" Jungkook asks, a tear sliding down his cheek as he sniffles.

"Yes, baby. Your dada and I couldn't have our own babies and we always wanted to have children of our own," Jimin explains although he knows Jungkook may not understand the depth of it, not right now at least, "I always wanted to have children and on Christmas day, we adopted you and your brother. You're the most beautiful Christmas gift to us."

Jimin's eyes sting as he places a kiss on Jungkook's cheek.

"You've already given me and your dada the most beautiful Christmas present. You don't have to cry, baby," says Jimin as he dries Jungkook's tears.

"I understood that you were upset since Hobi accidentally dropped paint over your card but baby, it was an accident. Hobi wouldn't purposely ruin your painting. Was pushing Hobi the right thing to do, baby?"

Jungkook shakes his head, lower lip jutting out. Jimin softly rubs the child's back.

"Did it feel good to hurt Hobi? Are you happy about it?"

"No, appa."

Jimin smiles softly, "what you did was wrong, baby. I understand that you were upset, but pushing Hobi like that wasn't the right thing to do. A painting can be done over again, but there's only one Hobi in this world. It's better to ruin a painting than to lose your brother, don't you think?"

Jungkook nods and Jimin isn't sure how much of it he has understood but he does know that Jungkook understand that his actions were wrong.

"Will you saw sorry to Hobi?"

Jungkook nods, "yes appa."

"And to dada? You hit his hand and you know dada doesn't like it, right? That wasn't a good thing to do."

"Kookie bad boy," Jungkook says, lower lip wobbling.

"No, baby. Kookie is a good boy. What Kookie did was bad but kookie isn't a bad boy."

He hugs the younger boy close and kisses the top of his head.

"Kookie will get time-out?"

Jimin chuckles, "I'm afraid so, baby."


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