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Next Saturday, Yoojin was excited to finally see Huiyeon and Eunhye again since she hadn't seen them since the holidays. Her parents were on a business trip, so the Jeon twins had the house to themselves. Youngbin was throwing a start of the year party and heaps of teenagers were already crowded downstairs even though it was just past 8pm.

Yoojin put on her flower necklace and exited her bedroom, heading downstairs. She was flaunting a mid-length violet dress. Loud music resonated through the house and flashing lights mimicked a club. The rooms seemed smaller than usual due to the mass of people. Yoojin weaved through everyone carefully, trying to ignore the stench of alcohol and sweat.

Finally, the girl spotted Huiyeon and Eunhye by the kitchen entrance, which was a bit quieter than the other areas where people were dancing. She waved and greeted them with hugs.

"I miss you both so much," Yoojin exclaimed.

"Me too," Eunhye replied, her eyes flickering to the wavy-haired girl.

They chatted about how their first two weeks of school were. Huiyeon was still dating Youngbin while Eunhye was trying to keep herself busy with a part-time job and school; she kept rotating between first and second place in her school. While they talked, they ate some chips and had some soft drinks and soju, except Yoojin who just had one sip of the alcohol.

A while later, Wooyoung came in, smiling when he found his girlfriend.

"There you are. Someone said you were over here," the boy said, wrapping an arm around Yoojin's waist.

She smiled and leaned into his touch. Huiyeon pretended to vomit and dragged Eunhye away, despite the other girl's quiet protests.

"You look beautiful," Wooyoung said over the music.

"I'm literally wearing what I wear all the time," Yoojin replied.

"Exactly. You always look beautiful."

She rolled her eyes, surprising Wooyoung with her growth and confidence. He took the can of non-alcoholic Chilsung cider from Yoojin's hand and took a sip before passing it back.

"Maybe I should get some soju," Wooyoung said to himself.

"Why?" Yoojin asked.

"If we're telling your brother that we're dating today, I'll need it."

Oh yeah, Yoojin forgot that they were planning on doing that today. So, they hopped from room to room searching for Youngbin. Finally, they found him drinking with some guys in a large lounge room that was hardly used. Thank god that Youngbin was usually a tired drunk.

"Youngbin, can we talk to you for a second?" Wooyoung asked.

The boy nodded and after excusing himself, the three went upstairs to his bedroom. They closed the door, blocking out the noisy music.

"So, what did you two want to talk about?" Youngbin asked.

Yoojin glanced at Wooyoung. Their eyes held a conversation, egging the other one to speak first. Youngbin just looked between the two, growing frustrated.

"We're dating," Yoojin blurted. "Please don't hate me."

Her twin blinked. "I know," he plainly said.

"Wait, what, you know? How did you know?" asked Yoojin, who was just as surprised as Wooyoung.

"Well, I kind of guessed and you guys were quite obvious. But I asked Huiyeon, and she said you guys were dating."

"Damn, I need to talk to Huiyeon later," the girl muttered.

Wooyoung cleared his throat, stepping closer to Youngbin. Now that it was out in the open, he couldn't help but feel a tiny bit awkward with his friend.

"So, are you alright with it?" Wooyoung asked.

Even though Youngbin was tipsy, he was fine with it months ago. He realised that Yoojin was her own grown-up person, and he couldn't tell her what to do. As long as she was happy, that's all that matters. And anyone could tell that Wooyoung makes her smile.

"Yeah, I'm okay with it," Youngbin replied. "But if you hurt her or make her cry, I'll get Seokdae's friends, and we'll all beat you up, so you'll never walk again."

Wooyoung gulped and nodded.

"Stop scaring him, Youngbin," Yoojin pouted. "But thank you. It really means a lot to me."

She hugged her brother, and he hugged back slightly. Wooyoung grinned, not used to seeing his friend this sweet. They headed downstairs again and Yoojin spent some time with Seokdae and Youngyi. The music was still fresh and loud, and there were more people than before, cheering and laughing the night away.

Feeling tired, Yoojin went up to her room and picked up Wooyoung along the way. Her bedroom had light pink walls that were covered with drawings and paintings from throughout the years. A giant beige teddy bear sat on her bed, cosying up in the corner on the purple blanket. Wooyoung strolled through the familiar room and sat down on her bed and slightly on the bear's foot.

"Hey, you're squishing Wooyoo's foot," Yoojin said as she settled next to her boyfriend.

Wooyoo just happened to mean milk in Korean.

Looking at her, Wooyoung chuckled and moved off the soft toy. "You decided to name him milk?"

"Yeah, cos he's sweet and light coloured like milk."

"Whatever floats your boat."

"It floats well, thank you very much."

The boy looked at her weirdly before smiling to himself. They both missed these small, cute moments. Yoojin laced her fingers with his as she sighed.

"I miss you," she shared. "I didn't get to see you at all this week."

"Me too. I'm sorry I couldn't take you home after school at all," Wooyoung replied.

"Hey, don't be sorry. I'm sorry too that I haven't had time to visit you."

Wooyoung lifted her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

"Remember what I said last time? We'll get through together and we'll be fine without seeing each other for a week or two. I'm always here for you. Don't forget that," Wooyoung told her. "I love you."

Yoojin nodded with a smile. "I love you too."

The party still raged on downstairs, the music softly seeping in through the crack of the door, but they were in their own world. Yoojin leaned forward and started leaving gentle kisses along Wooyoung's jaw, causing him to suck in a breath. Their bodies entangled with one another, and they spent the rest of the night in Yoojin's bed.

Last year wasn't an end. No, their lives were a continuing story that they would keep intertwined. However, they focused on themselves better, allowing their relationship to flow well. There would be ups and downs, and more fights to come but most of all, there would be intimate moments. They were complete opposites but complimented each other like sweet and sour. 


THE END. Thank you so much for reading! Please vote and comment! Also, I forgot to say, but I really hope Sooho wakes up if there's a season 2. I wasn't sure if he would, so in this story, I left him in a coma until there at least. 

Did you like the story? I lowkey really like it - maybe cos I fell in love with Wooyoung/Cha Woomin harder than I've ever fallen in love before, as I said. Now I really need a life and a boyfriend. So I will go and try get a life now. Bye! Love you all!  :)

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