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The week after, Yoojin was stressed with her new part-time job as well as school, but seeing Wooyoung always lifted her spirits. She didn't know it, but he had lessened the amounts of fights he did by a lot.

On Thursday afternoon, she come home afterschool to an empty house. She frowned, wondering where her twin would be since he said he'd be home early that day. When Yoojin tried calling him, he didn't answer. Instead, she received a text from her mum stating that he was at the hospital. She immediately sprinted out and caught a taxi.

The whole way there, she tugged on the ends of her hair nervously. She had feared this would happen one day despite her wishes that it wouldn't. Of course, she knew Youngbin always got into fights, but he never ended up in the hospital – he was always the victor of his bullying.

When she arrived at the large hospital, she quickly found out his room and barged in. However, the air was heavy and the people inside were absorbed in their conversation. Youngbin lay on the bed with his broken nose covered in a cast-like thing. His mum, his teacher and another boy in their white school shirt stood around him. The boy was short and skinny with a bowl cut; perhaps he was the assailant. Yoojin slowly stepped closer to grasp the situation.

"Narcotics. That's what this is," the bowl-cut boy said, holding something on his pointer finger.

Yoojin strained her neck to see but he had his back to her.

"What are you talking about? Where's your evidence?" Youngbin demanded furiously, his voice rising every sentence. "Do you have proof that I did it?"

"Read the room," the other boy replied, his voice nearly empty with a hint of tiredness.

Then he picked up Youngbin's dark backpack. "This is your bag, right?"

He turned the bag upside down, releasing its contents onto Youngbin's hospital bed. Among the stationary that fell out, some drugs – Narcotics and Fentanyl – were exposed. Even though she had hoped Youngbin stopped bullying in high school, she knew it was futile, but she didn't know what to do. She couldn't believe he did something this extreme. Putting Narcotics on someone could make them sick and dizzy – which is what happened to Sieun during their midterm exam.

Youngbin's mum was shocked but angrier - angry that she had to leave work for this hindrance. The grim adults relocated outside to discuss the punishment. Turning around, the other boy met Yoojin's eyes. She glanced down at his name badge – Yeon Sieun. With trembling lips, she bowed 90 degrees down.

"I sincerely apologise for my brother," Yoojin said.

Youngbin's thick eyebrows shot up and his beady eyes glared at her. "Hey! Don't you dare apologise to him."

The girl ignored him and continued. "Youngbin shouldn't have done that. He's usually a nice person but sometimes his big head makes him do stupid things. I know it's hard to forgive him but please show him some mercy."

Sieun just stared at her, his blank face being quite intimidating. He gave a curt nod and walked out. She let out a breath. While she didn't exactly favour his first impression, she felt bad for the boy. Once he was gone, Yoojin ran to Youngbin's side. She inspected him worried, but his annoyed look told her that he was probably fine.

"Narcotics? Youngbin, this is war too far," she scolded her twin.

"He broke my nose!" Youngbin countered.

"That was after you sabotaged him."

"I can't stand him. He always thinks he's the best and doesn't talk to anyone."

He must've been the boy that Youngbin complained about – the first place student.

Yoojin sighed and sat down on a chair. "Just stop fighting and provoking people. And please, please, please be careful and don't get hurt."

His Reason to Fight (Weak Hero Class 1)Where stories live. Discover now