Chapter-31 Beach? Bitch?

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"so what's your plans?" Taehyung asked walking side by side with jungkook in the corridor.

"Plans? For what?" Taehyung tilted his head in disbelief at his friends dumbness

"You want your wife or not? You know what let me just take her with me. A dumb bunny like you can never do anything. I don't know why I even trusted and gave a chance." Jungkook eyes widen at his words. He panicked and stopped his desperate friend.

"Hey,wait wait hyung! Why so serious? What actually I did?" Taehyung sighed looking at his innocent face and passed him a fake smile.

"You did nothing Jungkookie neither you can do anything. Let me take things in my genius hands." Taehyung leaves from there while mumbling some incoherent words and leaves behind a dumbfounded bunny looking at him with confused,doe eyes.

Jungkook stands there for a while and then left the place while scratching his head like a confused monkey.


"Let's take them to garden everyone is there." Y/n said to a maid who said to others to continue cleaning the kitchen as everyone is waiting in the garden for evening tea and snacks.

Maid followed her with snacks. All family members were sitting there and talking loudly,there laughter's could be heard from the entrance of mansion.

"Hyung when did you and Mr Park becomes business partners?" Jungkook asked Jin.

"You don't remember? Two months ago I called you and told you right that we are launching our new branch in Busan. Taking jimin as partner was namjoon's idea." Jin explained and during this his eyes fall on y/n coming towards.

Jin gave a gentle nudge in Jungkook's side to ask him something.
"Y/n is happy with you right? You are taking good care of my daughter in law or not?"

Jungkook gulped as Jin asked him, squinting his eyes in suspiciousness.
"O-of course! You don't need to act like an father-in-law."

"Because I am as you are my adopted child." Jungkook gasped at his hyung's choice of words. He pinched Jin's arm only to get pinched hardly in return.

"Oww,my thighs."
"Are thick." Jin said with a smirk. Jungkook scooted away from him, adjusting one leg on another,an attempt to hide himself from his pervert hyung.

"Give it to me y/n." Jimin said approaching with a helping hand.

"Thanks jimin-ah!" Jungkook was looking at them with blank eyes while on the other side Taehyung smirked thinking something and scooted closer to jungkook. He dramatically cleared his throat and said leaning towards jungkook.

"I don't think you were serious about your words kookie because someone else is fulfilling your duties." Jungkook scoffed in return.

"By the way,don't you think chimmy is such a husband material. You know he is handsome,funny,cute,helpful. He posses every quality and same goes with y/n. They both are same and actually look good wi-." Taehyung shut his mouth as he received a threatening glare from jungkook.

"Just my opinion." Taehyung shrugged innocently and engaged himself in other's talk.

Jimin and y/n were so busy in talking and laughing with each other that none of them noticed a pair of cold eyes staring at them intensely.

The sun had gone down and it was getting dark. Everyone were engaged in conversation,no one noticed when whole day went by just like this. Cold wind of evening caressed their faces bringing them back to reality and all decided to go inside.

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