✦ P R O L O G U E ✦

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Author's Note:

Hello Peaches!

Here is the Prologue for the book! I will update two chapters by the end of tomorrow, I promise! 

Yours, WQ ❤︎


✶ Third Person's POV ✶

The wind was strongly blowing, the sun was setting, and the clouds looked gloomy. Everyone was eagerly waiting for their newest addition to the Throne family.

Adonis Throne was scared, THE IRISH MAFIA DON was scared.

The doctors said that his wife might be in danger while she was going to give birth, but his wife didn't believe that.

She wanted to choose to give birth to their baby because she said, "The baby didn't ask to come here, it was us who made it and brought it into this world. Let it live Adonis"

That melted his stone heart instantly and he agreed to keep the pregnancy.

The throne family was ecstatic when the doctor announced that their mother would not only give birth to not just one but two children.

Adonis knew there would be complications in this pregnancy, but they still decided to go with it because Andromeda didn't want to get an abortion.

He was pacing around the room along with his three children who were also eagerly waiting for the newest additions to their family.

"Will you quit the loud breathing?" a girl merely about 2 years old said to her brother.

"I can't! You know what the doctor said! Mother could get severely ill if something bad goes wrong, how can you expect me to be all smiley and happy?" the boy answered with an equally annoyed tone.

Adonis didn't seem to pay attention to their conversation at all because his sole focus and attention were on the operation room where his wife was located.

He knew that this wasn't the first time he had been in this position although, every single time he had to wait outside the operation theatre not knowing the condition of his wife or the child she was giving birth to was like torture to him.

After what seemed like years to the thrones, the doctor came outside.

He had a sympathetic expression and walked towards Adonis.

"Mr. Throne, we are sorry to inform you that we have lost Mrs. Throne and one of the twins, however, your daughter is the only one who survived" the doctor concluded.

He left after dropping the most horrific news onto their family, they couldn't grasp the fact that out of the three lives, only one survived.

The doctor warned them both about the consequences of having another or two in this case.

But none of them considered anything and thought of it very lightly. He should have been more careful, and he should have paid closer attention to the threats that did constantly show up but he just ignored them due to his blindness.

And now that naiveness cost him his wife and one child.

They couldn't believe that the women they loved and adored died today.

But only one thought was running through the children's brains, they hated that nobody could save their mother and they would continue to hate the girl that their mother gave birth to because she was the reason they lost their mother.

Their thoughts were broken when a loud wail erupted from the nurse who was holding the baby girl.

"Mr. Throne, meet your daughter Lyra Thone. Your wife told us what to name your children before she- before she died" the nurse said softly.

Everyone looked at the baby with disgusted eyes. They hated- no they despised her.

"Take that thing away from us- ", Adonis started but was cut off by his eldest son who took a step forward and said, "Just keep her away from us. We don't want to hold her"

The nurse looked shocked at this, she thought they would be over the moon to see their daughter/sister but what she saw was the opposite of that.

That was the beginning of what Lyra Throne is going to go through. This is not the end of her suffering or misery. 


Author's Note:

BOOM! Prologue Part 1 is officially COMPLETE!!

_ Words Written...

How was the prologue guys? Did you all like it? 


My Writing Updates Schedule:

As I stated previously I will update two more chapters by the end of tomorrow night!


Until Next time...

Yours, WQ ❤︎

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