✦ C H A P T E R - O N E ✦

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Author's Note:

Hello, peaches!

Here is the first chapter of the book.

NOTE: I will be updating the characters + aesthetics for the book. However, I just want you all to know that I will be updating the aesthetics every time I introduce a new character in a chapter. Because I don't think I can put up every single character's aesthetic at once! 

Enjoy Reading!

Yours, WQ ❤︎

I woke up panting and gasping for air

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I woke up panting and gasping for air. I could feel their hands moving all over me again and again as if it was happening just now.

My head was spinning, I was seeing doubles of everything. I tried to blind away the moisture in my eyes but it didn't work.

That's when the dam finally broke. I sobbed as if my life depended on it. I couldn't take it anymore.

I shot up from my bed and scrambled down, but as soon as the cold tiles hit me, a jolt of chill passed through me.

I didn't mind it one bit, in fact, it was refreshing to have something cool touch me after that horrible nightmare that left me sweating.

I didn't dare to go any further, although I couldn't see anything, I could see my room in and out.

I chuckled darkly, imagining just how my life had become.

I hated it.

I just wanted to end it all.

But I didn't have the courage.

Pathetic. I thought to myself.

Can't even end my life and put an end to my misery. What have I ever done to make them hate me so much?

Was being born the worst crime that I have ever committed?

I clutched my head as it started to hurt more.

I couldn't take this pain, it was too much.

I couldn't.

The door creaked loudly as if someone came into the room.

I didn't even dare to look up.

I heard loud noises getting bigger by the minute.

I didn't know what to do, I just whimpered and held myself protectively from anyone who is trying to come near me.

I buried my face into my knees and crawled back to the headboard of the bed.

I could sense the presence of at least 4 people in the room.

Tears were flowing and sobs racked through me as I imagined what they would do to me.

What I didn't expect was to be embraced.

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