✦ C H A P T E R - T W O ✦

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Author's Note:

Hello, peaches!

Second chapter! I know I said that I will update only on Wednesdays and Friday however I really wanted to update today because I saw how I got two comments and five votes on the chapter and they made me feel really happy!

Also, I wanted to thank Elisssaas and novelwriter7 for voting and even commenting on my chapter. Honestly when I first saw the notifications I was over the moon! Thank you so much guys, it means so much to me!

In other words, I wanted to dedicate my chapter to those two! So thank you so much for making my day!

Enjoy Reading!

Yours, WQ ❤︎

I slammed my hands down on the table in front of me and glared at my informer

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I slammed my hands down on the table in front of me and glared at my informer.

"How dare they try to steal out materials?" I yelled at them.

I couldn't believe that those Irish bastards would go as far as to steal MY mafia's stuff. They were practically asking for a death wish by my hands.

I had a sinister smirk on my face, as I thought of all the ways I could end their bloodline.

I called my brothers into my office to discuss what to do with this matter.

We couldn't just leave those bastards for what they did, so I guess I will have to discuss what to do with the others as well.

Once my one, all my brothers and father scrambled into my office.

All of them were sprawled out on the couches.

I cleared my throat and all their heads snapped toward me.

I explained the incident to the Irish Mafia and what they did, and by the end, all of them were fuming and I could tell they wanted blood.

More specifically the don of the Irish Mafia's blood.

Everyone looked like they were about to murder someone.

I told them the plan to attack their mansion when they least expect us to do.

Everyone heeded out to get geared for the mission.

Little did they know, that visit would change everything for them.

We all stepped out of our RIDE and stood together facing the mansion.

All our men were in their positions ready to shoot as soon as they got the signal from one of us.

I signaled all of them to keep calm until one of them attacked, I walked towards the large mansion in front of me.

I could hear them snickering in the back on how small that mansion was or commenting on the security.

I just shook my head trying not to smile.

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