✦ C H A P T E R - F O U R ✦

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Author's Note:

Hello, peaches!

Friday's update! Hope you all like this chapter!

Enjoy Reading!

Yours, WQ ❤︎

Yours, WQ ❤︎

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I was cooped up in my room as always, I really hoped that one of my brothers would come to me and talk.

But I don't think that they ever would.

As I thought of their faces which held so much disgust and hate, I almost started to cry.

You are strong Lyra, I reminded myself.

They say that I am a burden and a curse to them.

What I did ever do to deserve a life like this?

My door barged open and I didn't know what to do, who could it be at 10 pm in the night and without any knock?

I looked up to find my worst nightmare.

I started to shake as I saw him, it was him.

He would take advantage of me again, what should I do?

"Hello girl, missed me?" that man said giving me that smile that shakes me to the core.

"No no, please don't do anything to me" I pleaded to him with tears.

There was no use for me to do anything.

I didn't know what he would do.

He took his belt out and started to hit me.

I screamed out loud as I couldn't take it anymore. He started to hit harder after I started to scream.

So I tried to muffle my screams.

It hurts.

Everything feels so exhausting.

"P-lease s-stop, s-ir. P-lease, p-lease d-on't d-o t-his" I finally stuttered out.

"What is that girl?" he snarled.

"How dare you disrespect me you filthy bitch!" he said.

He started to take his things off.

I started to scream and thrash around but he didn't leave me

Lyra ThroneWhere stories live. Discover now