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Ouroboros (n.): A symbol depicting the form of a snake or dragon biting its own tail, used especially in ancient Egypt and in Hermetic philosophy as an emblem of eternity, or a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death and rebirth.


Ihr Blümlein alle, die sie mir gab, euch soll man legen mit mir ins Grab.

(All you little flowers, that she gave me, you shall be laid with me in my grave.)

— Wilhelm Müller, Trockne Blumen from ❛Die Schöne Müllerin❜


From a serpentine head to tail, life to death, rose to grave — rootless bodies are given as an offering to those already belonging to Hades. In this exchange, a metaphysical lovemaking occurs between the realms of Consciousness and Unconsciousness. Forms glitch as an electrical current passes through their skin, leaving behind a slight trembling; Heaven weeps into the arms of its earthly brother, its tears melting mountains into seas. Familiar landscapes become mere abstract fields of colour. Petals disintegrate into overturned soil. Words are lost in storming silence. And in the midst of it all — love remains. The Universe is marked by its perpetual presence, reminded of the one thing that transcends time and space, that does not run in circles. Quietly, it gazes at its subjects, wrapped in illusions and ornaments, unaware of the Shadow looming above their heads; how to save them, reconnect them to their origins?

Life is loud, but it does not matter. One day it shall too succumb, and fade quietly into the blue dawn, bruised from lack of touch. Its final moment shall bring art back into paintings, music into sound; time shall revert the numbers, and death shall once again conquer.



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