Imagine What if Luffy appeared in the Genshin Impact universe where the future king of the pirate suddenly went to another dimension.
Author: Daniel (just borrowing my friend Alex's account)
I do not own any art, pictures, gifs, videos, music, Gens...
Much later Luffy and Lumine try to find the exit but there are still Milleliths around their area.
Paimon: Oh no... Lumine, Luffy, there's a whole bunch of soldiers out there too! Your identity... You may not be the killer, but we can't let them get you! But... Can we even get out of here safely?
Lumine and Luffy keep sneaking around the area and searching for another exit until they spot one Milelith security in the surrounding place where Lumine and Luffy try to sneak by. Lumine thinks about how to distract that Milelith but then as the Milelith turns around walked a straight line, Luffy walks casually towards the Milelith. Not knowing Luffy is behind Milelith's back. The Milelith then turned around as he thought someone was behind him but before he could Luffy quickly hides behind Milelith's back, causing the Milelith out of his blind spot.
Milelith: Oh, just my imagination.
Then Milelith continued walking as if nothing happened. Luffy did the same and pose while still hiding behind his back.
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Milelith feels someone is behind him and turns around again but the same thing happened as both Milelith and Luffy repeat the cycle.
Paimon: He got no sense of tension whatsoever!
When they were near the exit of the area Lumine, Luffy, and Paimon sneakily passing few of the Milelith soldiers. Before they could escape, Luffy accidentally steps on a glass build plate on the ground making a noise, enough to be noticed by a Milelith.
Luffy: Whoops...
Lumine, Luffy, and Paimon start to run away the momment one of the Milelith spot them. Milelith calls his backup.
Milelith: They're here!
Lumine and Luffy quickly rushed down the stairs, Lumine skipped a few stair steps by jumping over them, and Luffy did the same.
Milelith: Arrest them!
They keep running away until they got surrounded by the Mileliths holding their weapons against them.