CH 12: Guizhong

878 22 7

-[Opening Intro]-

They have reached Bubu Pharmacy..

As they entered, there was no reception in sight

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As they entered, there was no reception in sight.

Paimon: Huh, the reception is deserted. And it seems kinda spooky in here... Hello? Is anybody there?

Luffy: Hellooooooooo?

Suddenly they could hear a voice

???: Welcome to Bubu Pharmacy.

Paimon: ... D-Did you hear that? Wh-where did it come from?

Zhongli: The reception, it seems.

Paimon: Luffy, how about... you go check it out, and... Paimon will bring up the rear.

Luffy: Okay.

As they look closely at the reception desk. they saw a little girl at the back of the desk. She has pale skin, magenta-colored eyes, and light purple hair that is chin-length.

  She has pale skin, magenta-colored eyes, and light purple hair that is chin-length

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Lumine/Paimon: !

Luffy: Oh, it's just a little girl?

Paimon: Oh, there you are! But you can't even reach the counter!

Luffy: But Paimon, you're like the same height as her.

Paimon: Jokes on you - Paimon floats, so height is no restriction. Anyway, there's something weird about this one over here. What's that talisman doing on her forehead? It can't be... She's.. a zombie!?

Luffy: She's a zombie!? That's so cool!

Qiqi: Welcome to Bubu Pharmacy. I am Qiqi. Once upon a time, Qiqi died. Then, Qiqi was saved by the adepti. Now, Qiqi is a zombie.

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