Mohini POV•
"Hurry up Moe, we late." Ja'Kyra said to me as I took my rollers out. "Man you rushing me and you ain't even dressed." I yelled and went to grab my dress. I slipped my dress on and took a quick selfie. Ja'Kyra told me I could wear anything cause it wasnt on school ground, so I took it as an opportunity.
I ran and grabbed my gold 6' pumps and I put on a ankle bracelet and a regular bracelet with my watch. I grabbed a thick diamond chain and a diamond bracelet for my other hand. I grabbed 3 pair of diamond studs and put them in each of my holes in my ear.
I grabbed my gold chain cross body purse and ran downstairs. It was 8:05 and the dance started at 8. We had a 40 minute drive there. Ja'Kyra came downstairs looking almost as good as me.
We hurried and hopped in the car and I sped to the center doing 90.
'I'm nervous Moe." Kyra said clenching on my arm. "Girl you have no reason to be nervous with all these snotty nose ass kids." I pushed her off my arm. "Oo. There go Yandi. Hey Yandi!" she yelled and I saw this bright girl with long hair walk over, she looked stunning also. "Hey girl you look great." Yandi said hugging her. I swear they so grown.
"You too girl." Kyra said. "Who is this?" Yandi said staring me down. "This my sister Moe." Kyra gestured between us. "She's gorgeous." She smiled at me. "Aww thank you. So are you sweetheart." I smiled.
"Yandi what I told yo ass about leaving without saying s-" I seen Money rush over and looked up at me smirking. He had that crisp line and his all white tux with a red rose and some red suede loafers on. So fine Jesus. So fine."I'm sorry. I was talking to Kyra. Kyra this my brother Jacques." She introduced them. He nodded his head at her. So his real name is Jacques and he has a little sister. I was quiet the entire time.
"My feet starting to hurt." Kyra said grabbing her ankles. "Let's go sit down. Our table over here." She grabbed Kyra hand leading her. I followed behind. I didn't want to sit by them. but this night wasn't about me it was about Kyra so I put up with them for the sake of her.
It started to get awkward so I just pulled my phone out pretending that I was texting. "Money, this is Moe, Kyra's sister." She said introducing us. Little do she know we met. "Hey Moe. How ya doing?" He chuckled at me. I just rolled my eyes I don't time for him tonight.
"I'm fine. How are you?" I said with much attitude. "I'm making it." He licked his lips and nodded. I wish I had a rewind button to see that shit again. That was sexy AF. "She's so beautiful huh Jay." She asked Money. "Yeah she straight." He said taking a sip of his drink. I wouldn't be suprised if he brought alcohol here.
She smacked her lips. "Don't stunt, and plus she's thick. That's your type Jay." He cut his eyes at her making her shut up. I started to blush so I started rubbing my lip gloss together.
"But Jay you been single for so long." She exaggeraged. "Ya-Ya go dance." He said making her get up. "Come on Kyra." She grabbed her hand and left. "Dance by yourself too, no nigga better not touch my sister." He yelled looking around making me laugh a little.
I unlocked my phone and scrolled down Instagram. It was just us two over here and I didn't want to talk to him. He gently grabbed my phone out my hand and placed it in his pocket. "What the fuck?" I asked him. "Do you think you should be cursing at a children's event?" He smirked. I looked over to see what was in his cup "& Do you think you should be drinking dirty sprite at a children's event?" He chuckled. "You right ma."
I started nodding my head to the music and looking anywhere but at Money because I knew he was looking at me. "you quiet to say You had so much shit to say the other night." He looked me up and down.