Chapter dedicated to @beautify__Mohini POV
3 weeks later...
I looked down at the wrinkles in my red knee length skirt. I pulled it down as I felt Yandi shake next to me. My heart is racing and I know hers it too. It was silent for a moment while we waited for the results.
"We find Jaquees Houston innocent of drug trafficking." He said and I squeazed Yandi hand. I was so excited its been a long restless 3 weeks knowing Money was in jail. "No. No. No, Mr. Jaquees had been in court on multiple accounts. For the same things. How could you sit there and let him free everytime?" A police got off the bench and yelled.
"Alright Order in the court. Order." She beat her gavel against the desk. "For one you had no evidence against Mr. Houston. So how could we keep him captive when you never showed us any evidence. Second you are very disrespectful. My level is here." She held her hand high. "And your level is here." She put her other hand under the other one. "Understood? Ok Court's dismissed." She Hit her gavel and walked out.
Everyone clapped and cheered as Me and Yandi walked down to where he was. The police came and took the handcuffs off his wrist as he rubbed them. "Wassup Yaya." He smiled and pulled her into a big hug. My emotional ass about to cry for no reason.
"Moe." He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled shyly and waved back. I didn't know if his feelings for me had changed so I didn't want to embarrass myself. "Come gimmie a hug girl." He held his arms out. I ran into them and hugged him tightly. "How you been?" He let me go and looked at me. "I been okay." I said honestly. "Well you look good." He smirked.
Another officer walked over and whispered something while drinking out his water bottle. "You know this not over right?" He chuckled and took a sip from his water. Money turned his face up and looked at him. "Nigga you a lil' too gangster for yaself right now." Money said and the officer chuckled before walking away.
"What's all that about?" I asked. "Nothing. That dude been trying to get me locked up for 2 years now." He said and I nodded. "Where my thug at?" He asked. "I took her back to her house last week. She gone come stay with me Tuesday when she get out of school." I told him.
"oh ite. you mind taking me home?" He asked. "Sure." I said walking out the place. He wrapped his arm around my lower waist resting it on top of my ass.
"Yandi been going to school?" He asked once we got in the car. "Yeah I been taking her." I told him. "Oh ok." He said holding his bag he got from jail. "You need a haircut." I told him. "I know." He ran his hands through his hair.
"Oh and thank you ma." He said. "For what?" I looked at the road and back at him. "For helping me out, you ain't have to do that but you did." He said. "It was no problem and here." I said handing him his phone and his keys.
"Thank ya. I think you deserve a kiss." He smirked poking his lips out. "I think not." I put my hand up making him laugh. "Its cool." He said turning his phone on. "Damn." He said looking down at his phone. "What?" I asked. "I got 396 messages." He said scrolling through his phone.
"You wouldn't have that many if you wasn't a thot." I smirked. "I ain't no hoe." He said reading his messages. "Bet." I pulled up to his house. "You coming in?" He asked. "No I'm about to get some rest." I said. "Awe. You gone call me later?" He asked. "Imma think about it." I chuckled. "That's a bet." He grabbed his bag and walked out. "Thank you." He said closing the door.