Mohini POV
(Day before the trip)
"Your sweating." I laughed as me and Ryan walked through the park. It was empty today, but there was a decent amount of people here. "Well the sun is out Moe." He wiped his forehead. "You sure it isn't because it's 98° degrees out and your wearing a suit." he laughed. "I just left a case, and I really wanted to see you." He pulled his jacket off and held it with other hand.
"Awww." I said looking down at my sandals as we walked. "Moe, I know it's soon. But I'm really feeling you. Its just something about the way you are. I don't know." He sighed. "Awe Ryan." I grabbed his hand and started holding it. "So tell me about yourself." He started. "Well. I'm 22. My birthday is exactly one month from today. I have a little sister. I work at White Diamondz. I-"
"You're a stripper?" He asked surprised. "Yeah. Why you said it like that? "No reason. It just surprised me." "Oh. ok. So tell me about yourself. "I'm. 28. A lawyer. I have an older brother. No kids. I stay in a 2 story house. My favorite color is green. And that's about it." He said. "You're 28?" I was shocked. He chuckled. "Yeah."
"You don't look like it." I said pushing my hair behind my ear. "And you don't look like a stripper." He said and I cut my eyes at him. "Ok well you do a little." He said making me laugh.
"Wanna go get some ice cream?" He asked. "Uh. I'm really enjoying this walk." I told him. "Its okay. There is one down the block. We can walk." He said. "Okay." I told him
We made it to the ice cream stand in about 5 Minutes. "What kind you want?" He asked holding my hand. "I don't know. The strawberry shortcake looks good." I said. "It really does." He looked at the menu.
"Hi. May I take your order?" A white man came to the register. "Hey. Can I get a large strawberry shortcake and a large turtle." Ryan said. "Sure. Your total is $7.22." I handed the man a ten and Ryan looked at me. "I had it." He said. I shrugged. The man returned with our ice cream and the change.
"Yours look delicious." Ryan told me as we walked back to the park. "Want some?" I reach the bowl to him. He opened his spoon and it fell. "Hold on. I'll go get you another one.","Alright. I'm going to take this call. It looks important." He turned around and answered his phone.
I jogged to the ice cream stand was surprised by what I saw. Money was there with his assistant. The same girl who said she was pregnant for him, and the same girl he told me not to worry about. I shook my head.
"Excuse me." I reach past them and grabbed a spoon. He looked at me and his eyes got wide. I couldn't even look him in his face I was so hurt. I then looked down at the girl and she had a small pudge. There wasn't one doubt in my mind she was pregnant.
It felt like a knife went straight through my chest. I got the spoon and walked back to where Ryan was. "Ok. That's fine." He hung up the phone. "Here you go." I said reaching him a spoon. He got it and tasted my ice cream. "It is delicious." He wiped his mouth. "I know. Who was that on the phone?" I asked eating my icecream.
"It was my boss. Telling me about a case. And I have to go. I'm sorry." He said. "Its okay." I said. I really didn't want him to leave. "I really really enjoyed my time with you. Can we do this again?" He asked. "Yeah. Just text me whenever."
"Ok. See you then." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked to his car. I sighed and sat down on the bench. I was now sad. I picked over my ice cream thinking. I really got to do something with my life. I can't be stuck being a stripper, or crying over Money for the rest of my life.