Chap 35

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Jenna stared at the door, tears falling down her face her chest feeling really tight , what had she done? was it the right decision? She didn't dare to look at her mom who had her phone in her hands al ready "I'm taking this in the mean time to make sure you don't get in contact with her" "You can't take my phone away" Jenna sobbed out, she wasn't a child she was 20 years old "I thought you supported the LGBTQ+ " Her mom nodded gettin her self a glass of water "I do but i don't support it in my children" what?? is this woman serious? "Mom i love her you can't take her away from me you can't keep us apart!" she argued "And why did you slap her?! what the hell!?" "YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR TONE WITH ME YOUNG LADY I AM YOUR MOTH- "AND I'M YOUR DAUGHTER " Jenna said raising her voice as well "I don't care Jenna i only want what's best for you" Her mother spoke softly, Jenna noticed this as manipulation right away, she wasn't going to be able to win this, her mom was set on keeping them apart, and she couldn't do anything about it "I'll be waking you up and going with you on set tomorrow i took the month off work" 

Jenna's world fell apart after hearing those words... 

"Oh my god y/n" Emma said quickly pulling her in to a hug after she told her what went down, her ship was falling apart and she couldn't bare the idea of them breaking up "Don't worry bestie you'll go tomorrow with me on set and you'll be able to talk with her in peace yeah?" y/n shook her head "Her mom will be there Emma i'm sure of it there's no way" They had to think about something and quick, Emma quickly pulled her phone out going to Jenna's contact pressing call

Y/n's eyes never left her phone as it rang

"Hello this is Jenna's mom she can't come to the phone right now did you need something?" Emma froze, her mom took her phone away "Oh i wanted to ask if i could borrow her scrip right now mine just got wet silly me!" she lied quickly looking at y/n with thumbs up "Oh sure honey come pick it up i'll tell her right now your coming" she hung up quickly "Oh my god she fell" y/n jumped quickly hugging Emma "Thank you thank you thank you!!! i'll write her a small note " y/n quickly looked around to see if there was a pen or something, Emma quickly gave it to her  "Good luck Em"

Emma stood outside what was once Jenna's and Y/n's apartment, she took a deep breath knocking Jenna opened the door with read and puffy eyes "Hey let me grab the script really quick yeah?" Emma nodded "I wanted to ask you a question about a certain part as well" she said softly "Oh you must me Jenna's mom nice to meet you!" She said still from the door, Jenna's mom smiled and waved as if nothing happened "Nice to meet you too and Jenna make it quick were not done talking" She said as she made her way to the bathroom, Jenna didn't say anything, a soon as her mom shut the bathroom door she shut the front door behind her "Is she with you?" she whispered quickly "Yeah here hide it " Emma said giving her y/n's note, Jenna quickly shoving it in her underwear for safety "She'll come tomorrow with me yeah? we'll find a way to get you two alone" Jenna shook her head "No it's to risky tell her i love her and that i'm sorry" Emma nodded "Oh okay! i didn't really imagine the scene in my head so it was a bit hard to try and act it out but i see what your saying" Emma said out loud opening a random page quickly "Thanks Jen see you tomorrow!" Jenna smiled softly, she was glad y/n didn't leave, she was worried she was already on a plan hurt and mad at her, she was happy that y/n understood "Did she leave" her mom said behind her 

Y/n's mom Facetimed her at the wrong moment, if she didn't answer she knew her mom would worried, she tried to hide the bruises on her face but it was no use 

"Y/n que te paso?" (what happened to you?)

"Tu-" "No lies y/n i want the truth" 

her mother spoke english to her, should she say? 

She would find out eventually in another time, she proceeded to tell her what happened, her mom with a serious face nodding at everything she said, she frowned when she heard that the girls mother had hit her, and her girlfriend as well, even her that she's old never did that , she raised an eyebrow, who dared to touch her child? 

"Donde dices que estas?" (Where did you say you were right now?) 

"Romania Madre" She nodded looking away "Be careful Y/n i have to go " she quickly ended the call 

She had to do what a mother had to do in that moment .

Jenna read y/n's note in the bathroom with tears in her eyes

Mi amor don't worry everything will be okay, i'm not going back to the U.S without you yeah? we'll figure something out don't worry, Emma let me stay with her if you feel like your ever in danger run with us yeah?  

I love you mi amor, nothing can come between us

This sounds so Morticia and Gomez, hope that made you smile. 

It did make her smile, god she was so lucky, she had to make things right, she had to call her siblings some way to talk to them, her biggest fear was losing them and she couldn't let that happen "Jenna?" her mom said knocking on the door, Jenna quickly flushed the note away opening the door "What? am i to gay to go to the bathroom alone mother?"

The next day Emma and Y/n were one of the first one's to be on set, they had a plan to get Jenna alone "Let's hope this works" Emma said hugging y/n tightly, god she was the best friend ever "Please don't tell the other unless it's necessary yeah?" she told the young girl who nodded "Don't worry and if something happens i'll say i hired you so your my p.a now" BAM Jenna's mom wouldn't expect that right? 

Jenna walked in front of her mother not wanting to be close to her at all , even though it was no use, she would be in her trailer as well "Hey Jen!" Moosa said running to her quickly with a huge smile "Tim said he'd like to talk to you before filming" Jenna nodded turning around to face her mother who just mouthed a 'Go', Percy and Joy watched from afar as she arrived with her mom "It worked Joy" Percy said happily looking at her, Joy just looked down not feeling proud out all, she fucked up really bad, she did something really bad. 

Jenna followed moosa who would turn around making sure Jenna's mom was out of sight, he didn't know why they wanted away from her but it must be serious, they made it to the boy's trailer quickly locking the door behind them, Y/n and Emma stood up quickly, Y/n ran to her hugging her tightly, Jenna hugging back letting out a sob "It's okay love everything's okay " Y/n said rubbing her back  "I didn't think she would do that i'm so sorry she hit you" Y/n cupped her cheek as she whipped her cheeks, Jenna saw the bruises on her face feeling guilty for allowing that "I love you everything is okay yeah?" before Jenna could say anything y/n pulled her in for a quick kiss, Emma in the back sobbing at their reunion, they had a walkie talkie just incase they needed it, Hunter voice came through

"She's looking for her, i repeat she's looking" 

Jenna nodded hugging her girlfriend once again before leaving quickly back to her mom. 

Y/n's phone went off, it was her mom again? she quickly answered 

"Hola mama que paso?" (Hey mom what happened?) 

"Estoy aqui en tu trabajo, ven rapido estoy en el trailer de la niña" (I'm here at your job, come quick i'm at the girls trailer) 

Y/n froze dropping her phone "What happened ??" Emma asked worried picking up y/n's phone "My mom is here and she's at Jenna's trailer" 

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