Chap 37

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"Does that mean we broke up..?" Y/n asked Jenna as they were laying down on Jenna's bed, speaking about the events that happened in less than 24 hours "Yeah...i'm sorry i panicked..would to get back together?" Jenna asked looking at her loved one who smiled at her and nodded "Yes and don't worry i panicked as well" y/n said cupping her cheek, caressing her face with the tip of her fingers, Jenna closed her eyes enjoying the feeling, it only had been 24 hours but it felt like days to them "I love you so much Jenna" Y/n said looking in to her eyes "You mean the world to me, your one of the most important people in my life i never want to lose you this made me realize all of those things and more" Jenna felt tears on her cheeks, she couldn't believe what her mother had said and done...she stared at y/n's face the bruises very noticeable "I'm so sorry to be putting you through this...i should've seen it coming Aliyah warned me but i didn't think much of it and i'm so sorry...I love you too so much this made me realize so much things to, your really important to me as well and i never want to let you go again at least not that easy" she said sobbing y/n quickly pulled her in to her chest hugging her tightly "Shhh it's okay i swear you couldn't have known what was going to happen i'm not blaming you for this at all okay? things happen love and it's okay" Y/n said pepper kissing her face , Jenna nodded closing her eyes at the feeling of her lips against her face, she got close to y/n's face kissing her bruises softly "I hope my kiss makes them feel better" She said with a pouty face, the most adorable face in the world, Y/n smiled so widely nodding "I think you have magic lips i think they disappeared al ready" Jenna giggled throwing her self on top of y/n who quickly  embraced her with a smile "Oh...i do have some information " Jenna nodded against her "I have the number of the person who leaked the information" Jenna's head shot up "No way really? that quick?" Y/n nodded pulling out her phone "And you won't believe who it was" Jenna quickly got off her sitting down, grabbing her phone, she looked at the number frowning "What the hell?" she looked up, anger on her face and a puzzled look "Joy??" 

It started to make sense...she quickly connected everything , feeling anger "I was thinking about filing a law suit or something but i don't know under what charges " Y/n said sitting up as well, Jenna heard her but still kinda blocked everything she said, her brain was working very fast, something in her hoped that maybe she was wrong and it was just nothing at the end "Joy and Percy" She said looking at y/n "Percy? I haven't talked to him or even been near him since the incident " Jenna nodded her hands started to act up as she spoke pointing at the phone "No like mi amor their in this together i don't know how to prove it but i just know" Y/n listened to her girlfriend carefully, she noticed the mi amor nickname was rubbing on her and she liked it "But how did you connect that?" "It makes sense the day your mom gets exposed, the day my mom takes a flight to get here quickly don't you think it's weird that all of this happened at the same time? if my mom would've came a few days later it would be less sus? but no, the next day she was here" Y/n processed all that Jenna said, shit it did make sense "That bastard that fucking bastard" y/n said feeling anger, she was ready to beat his ass, before she knew it she was already on her feet "Calm down don't act on impulse " Jenna said quickly stopping her "We gotta think this through amor" amor hearing that word coming out of her mouth calmed her down quickly "We gotta get the truth out of Joy " Y/n said "And i think i know how but you won't like it" Jenna nodded hugging her "Your mine and only mine..." She said whispering in y/n's ear sending shivers down her spine "I'm not afraid to fight a bitch if i have to"  

Y/n quickly spotted Joy who was rehearsing her lines, Jenna nodded at her as Emma gave her thumbs up, she made her way to the older girl sitting next to her "Hey joy!" she said cheerful trying to give her best smile, Joy looked at her feeling a bit nervous "Hi y/n what can i do for you" She felt embarrassed seeing her face to face after what she did  before she could say anything Percy popped up "Joy " he said looking at her "hi percy give me a minute yeah?" Y/n stared at Percy with a raised eyebrow "I'd like to talk in private "  Y/n said not taking her eyes off of him "What ever you need to say you can say it in front of me" Y/n looked at Joy to see if she'd give her an answer "It'll only be minute Percy" Percy stood his ground grabbing her arm "I said no Joy" "Let her go dude what are you her boyfriend?" "Actually yes yes i am" Y/n looked at Joy frowning "Really? I wanted to ask you out on a date" Joy's eyes lit up, she them remembered she was dating Jenna "But your dating Jenna why would you cheat on her?"

Oh...Percy Percy Percy thank you 

Y/n frowned looking at him, she was secretly recording the whole conversation "And how do you know that Percy?" Joy looked at him with wide eyes, It was supposed to be a secret, Percy Him self was well knew he fucked up "I saw you guys the other day i'm not going to let you do Joy or Jenna dirty" Y/n frowned "Well i don't see a crime in holding hands with her i hold hands with Emma all the time and were not dating?"  Joy felt so stupid, Y/n was right she has seen them hold hands from time to time, with Jenna and Emma "Well either way she's-" "Yes y/n i'll go out with you" "Great! text me yeah and i'll tell you the details" Joy smiled nodding waving goodbye at her. 

"Did she fall for it?" Jenna asked quickly, y/n nodded smiling "They won't get away with this i'll make them pay, what they did is unacceptable"

Jenna knew in that moment not to mess with y/n, who seemed to be a very vindictive person 

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