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I couldn't believe I was walking across a stage and graduating top of my class. Class 3A, the hero course.

I stood in the middle of the stage where I had a mic in hand. I was about to give a speech and reveal my future as a pro hero.

I took a deep breath before bringing the mic up to my mouth.

"It is an honor to have gotten the opportunity to be at the best school in the country. I was recommended and was quickly selected with my quirk and family of pro heros. I ended up getting into the best hero class with the best possible people that I could have been with. I have spent 3 years with them and enjoyed every memory we have made as a class, also with Class 3B."

I won't bore you already with the rest of my speech. The only other important thing I said was I would not yet be considered a pro hero until I graduated for the top hero college, but I was considering working at a pro hero's agency.

Everyone was interested what my agency would be, but it wouldn't be fun if I just spoiled it.

The graduation ceremony soon came to an end and my best friend had finally run up to me and jumped onto my back.

"Hayami! Must you be so clingy right now!" I yelled at her.

"But iris!! You're just so cool! Everyone totally adored you." I held my hand in her face and flicked her forehead. "Hey, what was that for!"

I turned my head and gave her a look that screamed 'idiot'. "They only care about my ability. Half of them probably came for a show." I turned around and began walking farther away from the school with her following beside me.

"You can't think that's all they want, right iris?" I gave her the silent treatment and she knew what that meant.

I heard a heavy sigh escape from her lips as we just walked in silence until reaching our apartment.

There was bags packed in the living room when we first walked in.

"You weren't serious about going to college where you?" Hayami asked letting out a laugh. I was dead serious on going and showed it by only looking at her.

"Shit really need to take another hero course? Isn't 3 years enough?" She threw herself on the couch while still staring at me like a weirdo.

"I still can't control it. When I'm in a real fight who knows what will happen." I said in a harsh tone.

My ability wasn't the nicest gift..I hospitalized 2 innocent people and 1 of them almost died. That was 6 years ago from present time however, but I still never got over that day.

Everyone loved my quirk though and wonders how I was so "blessed" sometimes I just wish they could have my quirk for a day.

"I mean controlling gravity is hard for sure." Hayami said, using her telekinesis quirk to grab water from the fridge.

"It's not just controlling gravity. I can reverse it and defeat its purpose. You make my quirk sound so simple." I face palmed and began to walk away from the conversation before she spoke once more.

"Oh come on! Sure I've never seen your quirk in its fullest, but it can't be that bad." Hearing those words, I almost grabbed her and dragged her somewhere to show how much of a pain in the ass my quirk is.

My quirk is tainted sorrow, passed from my father. (Hehe I love BSD so chuuya is now in mha) the quirk like previous mentioned kinda defeats the purpose of gravity. It's hard to master and gets way out of control. When I use it it's like...I black out..I can't control anything I do.

I can also make some black holes that ruin..everything.. but that's ok!

Sometimes I wish I got my moms quirk which is storm. She can control lightning storms. I know not very good, but it's better than a quirk you can't even control correctly.

My father has tried countless times to help me control it, but even he has no idea and he's the one that gave me it! Sometimes he called it evolved sorrow cuz I can do more than him and cuz its way stronger.

I kept my cool after I thought of all the things I could do to prove my quirk was the worst thing. I just walked into my room and threw myself on my bed.

University already started in a week and I had 2 classes, one every week and one every single day. I was going to live there which gave Hayami free will to bring over all the men she wanted.

A week later: first day of university

I walked into my first class and met my first professor. "Hello everyone and welcome to the university. This is your training class, so you will just be training your quirk in this class. Your other class will either be how to be a pro hero and start your own agency after you graduate or another training class."

The professor went all over the expectations and rules for when we did training against each other and after 2 hours of pure instruction it was time for my other class.

I walked into the room that had no professor and only maybe 20 students. 'No one really wants to further study to be a pro...' I thought, sitting down near the front of the room.

I studied all the faces in the room and recognized someone almost immediately. I waved at them to try and receive there attention. They slowly looked over at me and I could see there eyes light up.

Yu Takeyama, she graduated in my class just below me. She quickly grabbed her stuff and rushed over to me. "Ri! I didn't know this was going to be your university of choice." She joked.

I shook my head at her and placed a smile on my face. Yu always had the same ambitions as me. She wanted a hero agency and to become a top hero.

She took a seat next to me and drew her and my attention to the empty podium. "Not a very good professor if he's late on the first day." She spoke.

I nodded my head, resting it in my hands. This teacher must be something not even being here.

"Anyway Ri, what's your plan? I mean do you plan on joining an agency during university?" She asked innocently.

I looked back over at her and thought long and hard about my answer.

"I applied to Hawks agency.." I said, hesitant on revealing that information.

Yu shook her head at me and gave me a humorous laugh. Before she could make my life choices seem worse. The door opened and a voice followed with it.

"Apologies for being late." A male voice spoke before walking through the doorway.

I looked at the professor before looking at Yu after hearing the comment she had just made.

"Oh he is attractive."

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