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One week later Aizawas pov

The villains had began there war...

All pros were called to action to fight against all these villains.

I couldn't find Iris anywhere. As I was disabling quirks left and right I was also hoping I would lay eyes on her.

Ever since we were called we had split up. I was worrying like crazy. I could barely think straight and had a few close calls.

Maybe this is why heros don't have a love interest. All you do is worry about there well being.

What was weird about this battle was no pro heros had run into the League. They had not even seen them.

That was the least of my concern. I only cared if they had their hands on her.

I was hanging around Endeavor and Hawks. The top two heros in Japan. My goal was to lead them to Shigaraki and make it simple for them to get to him. There was also a Class from UA.

I couldn't shake off the feeling that one of these kids was the only one that may end this war.

"Aizawa! Focus! My sidekick is bound to be around here somewhere." Hawks said, winking at me.

I hated even seeing his face. He was the only person that knew of our relationship. It's only because Iris became annoyed and wanted Hawks to stop trying to fuck her. Horny ass bird...

With my quirk it made it simple to arrest the villains.

"I think that's all for this area." Endeavor said, returning to the ground with Hawks right behind him.

I was putting eye drops in my eyes as they spoke about nonsense. I had no care.

I blinked a few times and then looked around to make sure Iris didn't just pop out from a building. When I still didn't spot her I sighed.

"Aizawa, you're very distracted. What's up?" Endeavor said, pausing his conversation with Hawks.

"He's just worried about my sidekick. You know he was training her for sometime." Hawks just loved getting on my nerves.

"I just hope my training prepared her for this..." it wasn't fully a lie.

At the same time she was acting very strange since last week.

A week prior still Aizawa pov

Iris was very distant with me..

Everytime i tried to hug her, kiss her, lay with her, she awkwardly backed away or just walked away from me.

She also wasn't as talkative. Normally she would tell me everything. Yes I mean everything...

It was very worrying and I tried talking to her, but she brushed it off as nothing.

I started to question if she still loved me during this week.

Was I being too much? Maybe I needed to distance myself from her, but we agreed to tell each other if we needed space and she has asked for it before.

"My love?" I grabbed her waist tight, refusing to let her go and let her run away from me.

"Please talk to me... whatever I did I promise I'll fix it." My heart broke when she just ignored me.

That's right...she didn't say a word to me. She just stood in my grip for a little while until I loosened my grip.

That night she didn't come home.. a few tears escaped from my eyes as I laid by myself in my bed for the first time in months.

Present time still Aizawa pov

We started to move to a different spot. It was still just me hawks and endeavor.

We climbed buildings and also stayed on the ground to look for any villains around. I of course was also looking for Iris.

I was starting to get weirded out with how long she was gone. I also saw no sign of her quirk being used. Did she not want to use it?


"Come on! Smile!" Tomura, toga, dabi, and my father were all at the hideout while the others commanded the teams. And dabi was trying to cheer me up.

"Just because I think of you as a brother does not mean I like you." I said, my expression not changing.

"Isn't that exactly what that means?" He gave me a joking smile.

He was right about that...I loved Dabi like a brother. Even if I didn't admit that. I still counted him as my brother since his family practically disowned him and left him for dead.

"Please don't die. I don't know how much I can protect you." He soon said, pulling me in a hug.

I loved how he expressed how he felt with me. He truly cared about me which made me feel good. He couldn't trust anyone else really.

"Alright everyone! Let's start heading out!" Tomura said, fixing his outfit.

We all turned to face him, some with smiles on their faces. My smile faded as quick as it came.

Everyone started to walk out of the building, me and Dabi being last and walking side by side.

"You don't have to do this. I can hide you." Dabi whispered, sensing my unease.

I shook my head slowly. I would never get out of this. It was always going to happen.

The battle has begun.. Dabi had decided to help me out and gave me his jacket, mostly for the hood. My hope was I wouldn't run into anyone. Especially Aizawa...

There were so many pro hero's around. Of course me and Dabi made quick work of them. My father along with Tomura had already run off on there own and Toga preferred to stay behind us for the time being.

I ran sideways on one of the building in a small alleyway and finished off the last hero, returning to normal gravity.

"It's so impressive finally seeing your quirk at its full potential!" Toga said, cheerfully.

"This isn't even close to its full potential." I said, a bit cocky.

Toga laughed as a response while Dabi walked beside me, looking to see that everyone was dead.

"Let's keep going." He instructed, leading the way.

Me and Toga quickly caught up to him.

I activated my quirk and formed some black holes, sending them past Dabi. 2 heros were walking directly in its path. Let's just say they were no longer in its path.

Toga again started laughing like a maniac, while Dabi looked at me like I was crazy.

"I wasn't gonna hit you with them! My aim is really good!" I convinced. Obviously it wasn't enough because he told me not to do that again.

I pouted like a child who didn't get ice cream when they asked.

As we made our way out on a main roadway, we could clearly see the signal my father had sent out for us.

"Guess they found the kid. Let's move." Dabi said, picking up the pace. I activated my quirk and ran up the side of a building to the top and ran on top of the buildings.

Let the real battle begin...

Teachers pet (shota aizawa x student) Where stories live. Discover now