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"Oh he is attractive" that was all Yu had said before I smacked her on the head.

"Dumbass, he's ou-" before I could finish I felt glowing eyes on me and my quirk slip away from me.

I looked at the professor who looked unamused at me. "Miss Nakahara , I do hope you won't be trouble some to have in the class."

I smiled innocently and apologized. After he looked away I rolled my eyes and felt my quirk coming back.

My skin started glowing red and my eyes widened with surprise. I was careful not to touch a single thing and the red glow quickly faded.

"Wow Ri, already ready to use your quirk on the hottie?" Yu teased as she looked him up and down a few times.

I almost smacked her on the head again, but kept my composure. Whatever his quirk did to me was weird.

"I'm Shota Aizawa, but just Mr. Aizawa to you all. Now let's go outside." He said in a scratchy, tired voice.

We all looked at him and then at each other as he walked out of the room, hands fully in his pockets.

Me and Yu were the first to stand and walk out following the rest of the class. Everyone was very confused on why we were going outside for a class that has nothing to do with training.

We all met outside and crowded around Mr. Aizawa. He looked around, probably to see how many people came and how many hopped out and are probably skipping.

"I want you all to show off your quirks." He said in a serious tone.

I was quick to raise my hand and spoke without him even calling upon me. "I refuse to be apart of this."

"Too bad kid, you wanna be a hero you have to use your quirk." He gazed at me but quickly took his attention to people already using there full power.

Yu stood beside me, scared to use her quirk. I looked at her and gave a nod of approval to just do it and not care about the consequences. If someone gets stepped on they should have just moved.

She grew to her size and everyone was shocked by it. She was almost up in the clouds.

"Your turn Nakahara." I heard Mr. Aizawa say behind me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and started to walk away. I heard and tsk sound escape from his lips, but before he could get a sentence out a red glow summoned around me.

There was no going back once I did this one. I pressed my feet to the ground and broke up the dirt below me and quickly jumped up with rubble following my every move. I smiled when I laid eyes on the teacher and lost full control of everything. I pointed my finger right at him and all the rocks and rubble shot right at him.

Before it even got close to him his eyes shined red and everything had fallen to the ground, even me.

I had fallen right on my back. Well, I would have if Aizawa hadn't caught me. I passed out when he had taken my quirk from me. That just proves I was in no control of my actions. I would have killed...just as I did years ago...

After a few moments I quickly poked my head up and started freaking out.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" I yelled, looking around at everyone. They all stared at me. I knew what they were thinking...

I saw Mr. Aizawa also staring at me, but it was different..

"Ri!! You never told me about that cool quirk you have!" She said coming close to me.

Before she could embrace me in a hug I started freaking out on her. "No no! Don't touch me!" I knew I might have been dramatic, but memories were circling in my head and I just couldn't get over it.

Teachers pet (shota aizawa x student) Where stories live. Discover now