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Amira wasn't sure what possessed her to stop by a fragrance store, but she did so while she was out at the mall today. She got a few samples—all of which she wanted Rowan to smell. She was obsessed with perfumes, but dealing with Rowan, she had to significantly cut back because of his sensitive nose.

"Do you like this one?" She asked, lifting the first strip to his nose. Rowan immediately shook his head. "No, it's too strong."

"Okay, what about this one?"

"No, too fruity."

Amira nodded as she dropped the first two strips. She knew he wouldn't like those. She, herself, didn't care for the scents either, but she was only trying to see what all he could tolerate.

Rowan wasn't a fan of strong synthetic fragrances; it didn't matter if it was perfume, lotion, candles, plug-ins, or household cleaning products. Anything containing heavy chemicals burned his nose and gave him headaches. The ingredients in them weren't usually good either.

Amira took Rowan's distaste for strong smells a step further and did her research. Due to his sensitive nose, she learned to find many alternatives to her everyday products—products she didn't realize were actually doing her skin more harm than good: deodorants, lotions, soaps, and even her shampoo was drying her hair out. And she hadn't realized any of this until Rowan made her pay attention to the harsh ingredients companies like to put in literally everything, especially cosmetics.

"I think I have the perfect remedy to soothe my desire to wear perfumes while also respecting your nose. Have you ever heard of oils?" She asked him.


"Yes, perfume oils. They still have some fragrance in them, but their main ingredient is natural oil; which means they don't have that obnoxious alcohol smell. They also don't burn my skin due to the higher concentration of oil."

"Do you have any?" He questioned, wanting to see for himself. 

"Yes, I used to wear oils all the time. They smell amazing, and I might have one you may like." Amira quickly pulled out her container of oils and grabbed her favorite one. 

"This is my all-time favorite fragrance. It lasts super long, it smells heavenly, and it's cheaper than regular perfumes." She opened the small bottle and rubbed some onto her wrist. Rowan then grabbed her arm and sniffed it. He was sure it would irritate his nose, but he was pleasantly surprised when it didn't.

"It smells good, doesn't it?" She smiled.

"It does."

"See, I told you," she got excited. "And I wouldn't wear it all the time, only when we go out on dates or something."

"Okay, you win," Rowan dropped her arm. "We will test it out later." He was tired of talking about perfumes. Amira then snorted as she could tell Rowan wanted to change the subject.

"Oh, and Camila is stopping by for an hour or so; she wants to show me some of her new designs."

"The lingerie, right?"

"She's working on more stuff, but yes. Every year she sets deadlines for herself to meet, but lately, she's been falling behind for some reason. I guess she considers me her non-appointed advisor, so I try to provide my assistance when necessary."

Amira reached for her remote and turned the TV on. "I know you might not want to be bothered with her shenanigans, so you can stay in here."

Rowan was about to say something when a knock at the door interrupted him. "I'll be back later," Amira scurried out of the room and closed the door behind her.

"Doesn't it get tiring?"

"Doesn't what get tiring?"

"The back and forth—you both stay here sometimes, but then you two migrate over to his house. He sleeps over her, and then you both go over there. Isn't it exhausting?" Camila questioned.

"A little bit," Amira replied.

"Why don't you just move in with him?"

"Because Rowan lives too far from everything, and I like having my own place even if I don't use it often," Amira shrugged.

"Has Rowan asked you to move in with him?"

"Yes, and he's implied it on a few occasions, but I—"

"Then what's the problem?" Camila interrupted. Amira did a double take, side-eyeing Camila.

"Don't question me. I haven't moved in with Rowan for the same reason you and Rachael aren't living together."

"Ohhh, someone's getting cold feet," she teased. 

"Cold feet? You sound ridiculous, Camila."

"No," she chuckled. "Shit is getting too real and you can't stand the heat. You've been dating him for almost a year. What's the problem?"

"I didn't say there was a problem. I think we should change the subject." Amira said, grabbing her phone to check the time. It had been well over two hours since Camila had arrived.

She then cursed before standing up and making her way to the bedroom. "I'm sorry," she pouted, opening the door. Rowan turned his head to Amira but said nothing in return. She couldn't help but notice how cute he looked stretched out on her bed. He made her queen-sized mattress look like a full. 

"Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" She asked, straddling his lap. She felt bad about basically locking him in her room like he was a child on punishment.

"No, I'm free."

"Good, let me walk Camila out, and I'll be back in a second."

"There's no need," Camila appeared at the door. "I can see myself out. I just wanted to say hello Mr. Sexy."

Rowan then turned his gaze on Camila, eyeing her swiftly before saying hello in response. He then focused his attention back on the television.

"You know I'd pay money to watch you two get down and dirty," she blurted out.

Camila couldn't help her dirty thoughts. She was just as raunchy, dirty-minded, and freaky as Amira—probably even more so. That's why they got along so well.

They used to fuck around quite a bit in the past, only for fun, of course. But now that they were both in committed relationships, the benefits part of their friendship was no more. Amira was happy in her exclusive relationship with Rowan, and Camila was satisfied with her girlfriend, Rachael, who enjoyed their polyamorous lifestyle.

"Money? Really, how much?" Amira laughed.

"Five dollars, maybe."

"Why only five?"

"Because I'm broke. Take it or leave it."

"How about you keep your money and I'll show you one of our D/s sessions."

"No, it's not the same. I'd rather watch my bestie get piped down by her boyfriend in person. Is that too much to ask?" She rolled her eyes.

Rowan's focus then drifted back to Amira before his eyes promptly landed on Camila. "I never know when to take you seriously," he chimed in, making Camila gasp loudly.

"Why did you say that? I'm being serious now," she sassed him. Amira then quickly slid off the bed and escorted Camila to the front door.

"Was I being inappropriate, because I really wasn't joking?"

"No, you weren't. I honestly don't care, and Rowan doesn't either. We would gladly put on a show for you, just not right now. Text me when you get home."

"Okay, fine."

A/N: I switch between apps when I'm writing, so I never realized how short this chapter was. Sorry, lol 😅

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