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Rowan stormed out of the hospital after being held in a room for two hours. He was so heated that not even Amira could calm him down. If anything, Rowan felt regretful that she had to witness his nasty temper. Thus, he sent her outside to wait in the car.

Adrian had to do damage control, which consisted of explaining the situation, checking to ensure Rowan didn't break anything, and seeing if any staff members got injured during the altercation. Thankfully, none of that happened. The only person who got hurt was Rowan's intended target—who regained consciousness not long after the assault. He was taken to another ward where they stitched him up, ran some tests, and assessed him for a head injury.

Adrian followed Rowan out of the hospital, taking long strides to keep up with his brother. "This wasn't how this was supposed to go," he stated.

"You set me up," Rowan snarled, shaking his head. "Why the fuck would you bring me here knowing that man could show up at any moment?"

"I know how this looks, but I swear, on my life, I didn't know he was coming. I was just as shocked as you, Rowan; I did not plan this. I would never do that to you."

"Then why did he show up? Who invited him?" Rowan stopped and turned to Adrian.

Adrian halted, immediately taking a step back. "Rowan, I don't even speak to our father. Nor do I have his number. The last I heard, he knew about our mother's illness months ago. I'm sure she recently told him she was in the hospital, but I have nothing to do with that. I did not invite him, and I'm sure our mother didn't either. He might've just shown up unannounced. But if she did, that's none of my business. I swear on everything, I didn't know." 

Rowan smacked his teeth and continued walking. "Fuck this shit, I'm done."

Adrian should've turned and went back inside, but he kept pursuing his brother. "Rowan, don't do this. Let Mom explain herself. I don't think she meant for any of this to happen."

"No, I'm done." Rowan couldn't believe he actually felt bad for Eliza. He couldn't believe he allowed his mother and brother to trick him into coming. Rowan felt dumb for letting Eliza spew lies about wanting to reconnect and even more stupid for wanting to believe her. But yet again, Eliza has proven countless times that she is only good for disappointing Rowan.

"Bro, don't do this. Don't punish her again; I beg you. This situation is just a misunderstanding. Mom would never purposely put you and him in the same environment."

"I don't give a fuck anymore. That woman is pathetic, and she doesn't deserve my respect."

"But how can you say that? Mom loves you, Rowan. Since we were young, she has done nothing but fight for your affection—constantly trying to make things right between you two. But what have you done besides laugh in her face? Your problem is with Dad, not Mom. Yet, you've tossed her into the same category as him. Am I missing a key piece to this puzzle? Did I skip a chapter? What did she do to make you hate her so much? Yes, she forgave our father for what he did, but so what? It was her choice."

Adrian was getting himself worked up. In his mind, Rowan had no reason to dislike Eliza so much. She never abused him: she didn't put her hands on him, and she certainly didn't mistreat him. So Adrian couldn't understand why Rowan couldn't at least pretend to care for the woman who birthed him.

Rowan said nothing as he continued to his car. It didn't matter if he tried to explain himself because Adrian would always take their mother's side. Adrian was so fucking clueless—so damn dense—that he couldn't see the answer right in front of him. Rowan felt betrayed, period. He could barely stomach the thought of being around his mother without thinking about how she chose an abuser over him. Not to mention, she still kept in contact with said abuser, and no amount of "answers" could ever justify her decision. In Rowan's eyes, Eliza was weak, and he would always be wary of her.

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