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Amira visited her mom at the bakery, spending some hours helping out. Then she made her way to Rowan's house. He wasn't there, sadly. He was out taking care of some business, so Amira let herself in. She closed the garage behind her and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

She considered tomorrow a special day. She wasn't sure if Rowan would feel the same, but she wanted to make it a big deal even if he didn't want to.

Amira heard the faintest noise as she exited the shower. She peeked her head into the room and saw Rowan leaving his closet, naked.

"Hey," she waved. It had been two days since Rowan laid eyes on Amira, so he greeted her back by nudging her towards the shower.

"I just got out," she laughed.

"I know." He wasn't about to shower alone, not when he was itching to touch her.

Amira got up early the next morning and shuffled downstairs to make breakfast. Rowan was engaged in his daily workout, so Amira had time to get things prepared. She became so occupied with making sure everything was perfect that she didn't notice when Rowan began watching her.

He had initially smelled the food, which enticed him to stop his workout and see what she was doing. He observed her intensely, watching as she moved about his kitchen with ease. She remembered where everything was, probably due to watching him on numerous occasions.

Rowan thought it was cute seeing Amira so focused, but he eventually made his presence known, walking up behind her and pressing pause on her music. She flinched just slightly but laughed it off.

"Good morning, Amira." He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her flush against him. The way he said her name had her blushing.

"What's all this?" He motioned to the food. Amira only shrugged, not wanting to get too sentimental.

"It's just...you know. I just wanted to do something nice."

"Why?" He questioned. "What's the occasion?"

"Oh, I..." Amira paused as she couldn't help but frown. Did he not really know what today was? Did he not care to keep track of such things? Amira said she would make today special regardless of how Rowan felt, but she couldn't lie and say his obliviousness didn't hurt.

"Oh, I was just—"

"Happy One-Year," he interrupted, kissing her neck. Amira then dropped the spatula and turned to Rowan. She was downright flabbergasted as she pushed at his chest.

"Why would you act like you don't know?"

"You say I have no sense of humor, so I was only joking," he expressed, turning the stove off and pulling her away from it.

"Ha ha, very funny," she mocked. "How did you know today was our one-year? I never said anything about it."

"Because I like to remember what makes you happy, Amira, and I know celebrating milestones makes you happy. I'd be an ass not to acknowledge our one-year."

"Oh," she nodded, smiling excitedly.

"Don't doubt me, okay?" He ran his hands over her ass and gripped it tightly.

"Okay," she laughed. "I also got you something." Amira went and fetched the little gift she hid last night for Rowan. It wasn't necessarily a gift but rather a token of her appreciation—a way to express love and thoughtfulness.

"Here you go." She handed him a box, and he took it carefully, pulling the lid off.

"Flowers don't have to be feminine, and they're not just for women," Amira said, blushing at the fact she ordered Rowan a dozen black premium roses.

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