Dinner With A Killer

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I knocked on Tara's door, walking in after she gave me a thumbs up to come in. I sat down on her bed and looked at her, "Amber is taking me to dinner tonight to clear up what happened. She told me over text that her ex boyfriend Richie radicalized and forced her to kill for the movies. I believe her, but if you don't. You and Sam can come to the dinner undercover, just sit across the restaurant or near us in disguise just in case something happens". I grabbed Tara's hands and smiled at her, "I promise you she's telling me the truth". I got up and left her room, leaving her to think and tell Sam. I went back into my room and searched through my closet, the restaurant we were going to was nice but not super fancy. So I grabbed a nice dress, not too fancy either and slipped it on. I put on some mascara and finished getting ready for the date with some 3 inch heels and a quick walk through a body spray cloud. I looked at my phone and clicked on the gps to the restaurant, I knocked on Tara and Sam's door. "Let's go, just go in a few minutes after me.". We all walked to the car and I drove to the address, I opened the door and closed it, opening the window for a second. "Remember, don't blow your cover". I looked at the door and took a deep breath, I walked in and immediately saw where she was sitting. Damn she was gorgeous, even a glance her way and my legs are already trying to give out.

  I walked to her table and sat down, leaning over the table and kissing her cheek as a greeting. "So...would you mind...explaining it all to me?" I asked, gesturing to her. She sighed, and nodded "well, at first I had this boyfriend, his name was Richie and he was a great boyfriend at first. But then I figured out he was dating Sam, I got mad and threatened to break up with him. But he threatened to kill me if I didn't help him continue the movies or something like that. So I did as he said or else I would have died, that's why I attacked your friends. And I didn't kill them, on purpose, I only hurt them and I would aim for the spots that weren't fatal. Tara, instead of stabbing her in the chest or face I stabbed her hand. Sam instead of stabbing her at all I just slashed her arm. I stabbed Mindy near the shoulder instead of the heart and I stabbed chad in the back, again missing any vital organs" she explained, continuing to talk about how Richie treated her. I just sat and listened as she poured it all out. "Well, I believe you...but my friends will take a while to trust you if you end up meeting them ever again. You did stab them all at some point anyways..." I mentioned. She leaned forward, inches between our lips, a small smile on her face, "well thank you for believing me.". She leaned forward, closing the space between our mouths and kissing me. Her lips were soft and warm, I leaned into the kiss and kissed her back because I definitely wasn't mad about that. I slid my hand over hers and squeezed softly as we kissed like a true couple would. Soon I pulled back, looking into her eyes as she wiped her lips slightly. "You're a really good kisser ms. Amber..." I said, smiling, looking down at her lips and back up at her eyes.

  After another hour of talking, we both stood up and said goodbye. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her neck as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I leaned in and kissed her for the last time tonight, pulling back after a few seconds. "Goodnight Amber" I said as we pulled away. "Goodnight Scarlett" she said as she started to turn away. We both walked our separate ways and I went to the car. I opened the door and got in, blushing really bad. Sam and Tara followed close behind, getting in the backseat. As I started to drive, I explained all the things that Amber said to me, and what we did. Soon enough I convinced Sam and Tara to give her a chance. After Richie died she may have changed...who knows? We went back to the house and I cleaned up and changed into more comfy clothes. I jumped into my bed and fell asleep in a few minutes.

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