Solving the Mystery

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  I walked to the taxi with Amber, on the phone with Kirby. "We are headed to the shrine right now, the uh hideout place" I said as we walked hand in hand. I opened the door and got in, Amber following close behind. "We're meeting the group at the subway" I said to Amber, kissing her hand. I layed my head on her shoulder, sighing as we drove. Once we arrived at the subway, we walked together to meet our group. I walked up to Tara and Sam and we all shuffled into the subway, Ethan and Amber all got split away from the group as we tried to fit through the crowded train. It was around Halloween, so there were a lot of ghostface costumes, a few minutes pass and a person starts walking toward us in a ghostface costume. I once again, acted on instinct and stood in front of the group, my hands clenched into fists, holding my breath. The guy turned to leave the train and I exhaled in relief. I tried to call Amber to see where she was but I had no signal. I continued to try even though I knew it wouldn't reach her. I waited until we finally stopped at our destination, we stepped out of the train and went into the shrine. Looking around the shrine and seeing the killers old stuff. I walked up to the suits and saw Amber's, I held my hand out and placed my hand on the glass.

  Tara walked behind me, looking at me with fear and confusion in her eyes "what are you doing" she said quietly. I turned to face her and was about to say something before Chad walked in. "There's more than one, they're coming right now." He said, passing a gun to Tara and a knife to Sam. He gave me a brick. I looked at him in disbelief "are you kidding me right now?" I said, rolling my eyes and preparing myself. A few minutes after, three ghostfaces walk into the room, i clutch onto the brick and look at Tara and Sam. We all line up with the ghostface we want to fight, I chose the one that attacked me at the apartment which Tara chose the shortest one and Sam the second tallest. The ghostfaces looked at eachother and the one in front of me removed his mask. Ethan was staring into my eyes as he did so, holding his knife in his right hand. "Mindy was right, shy and dorky seemed to pass me up", I gripped the brick harder. The one in front of Sam took the mask off next, a girl. Quinn. "Hey roomie!" She said, throwing her mask to the floor. And in the middle, who Tara was face to face with. "Amber" Sam asked. They took their mask off, and shockingly. Kirby. "Hello ladies" she said, holding her mask up to the side of her face. We looked at each other in disbelief, grasping our weapons. Ethan stepped forward "ever since woodsburrow, I've dreamt of this moment. Holding you people at the tip of my knife slitting your throats!" He yelled. Quinn was next to speak "Richie was our brother, your boyfriend and the man who just wanted the legacy of the movies to continue". Sam held her knife upside down, "he was a limp dick fuck who made his girlfriend do all the killing!"

  Kirby stepped forward, "shut your fucking mouth!" She yelled. Pressing her knife against Sam's stomach, I held my brick and looked at Tara. Nodding at her, tapping Sam slightly to signal her. Within seconds, me and Tara lunged forward at our targets. I swung my brick at Ethan and hit him directly in the head, causing him to fall backwards. I turned my head and started helping Sam, pushing Quinn into Sam's knife and kicking Kirby into a glass case which held Jill's flannel. I ran toward the shrine where the suits were and smashed the glass to Billy Lumis's case. I grabbed his still bloody knife and pointed it at Kirby, "get the fuck away from us or else I'll fucking kill you!" I screamed. Kirby laughed and took a step back, I wasn't aware of the situation until Ethan jumped on my back and tackled me to the floor. I kept a tight grip on the knife and swung it backwards into one of his legs. He jumped backwards and held onto the wound in pain, I flipped around and jumped on top of him. Lifting the knife up and holding it up, looking at Sam and Tara as I heard a gunshot. Tara shot Quinn. They were looking at me, yet they soon nodded. I nodded back and stabbed Ethan around 10 times around the chest. I got off of his body and stood in front of Tara and Sam. "Take one step closer and you'll end up like Ethan" I told her. I looked over at Quinn's body, dead with a gunshot through her head. "Sam, Tara. Police" I said, not totally turning around. I looked around the shrine, looking at an upstairs area where Amber was. Looking down at me, I didn't make it too obvious she was there. I pushed Kirby back and ran into the curtains where the suits were. I stole the suit off of the mannequin that had Ambers name on it, and put it on. I hid, and Kirby's phone rang. She could hear ghostface's iconic voice and started to threaten as she tried to defend herself. I walked closer to the curtains, holding the same knife. Soon I charged out of the curtains and tackled Kirby to the floor, where I stabbed her directly in the heart. "Burn in hell." I said as I stabbed her, the blood splattering on my face as my knife sunk into her. I dropped the knife, sitting on the steps to the suits and sighed. Amber soon sat beside me, turning my head to look at her. "Are you...gonna leave me?" I asked, "because I'm a killer...a murderer" I said, looking down at my bloody hands. Amber laughed slightly, holding my face in her hands "I would never leave you Scarlett" she said as she leaned in to kiss me.

A few moments later, we walked out of the shrine. I found the group with Amber. Mindy, Anika, Sam, Tara, Chad and cute boy. We all walked home together as I dropped the ghostface mask behind us. "We all survived!" Mindy yelled. I laughed and high fived her as we almost arrived home

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