Chapter-33 Confession Of Hearts

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After dinner.
When jungkook returned back to room y/n was reading a book. She was entirely focused on reading the fantasy book in her hand that she didn't even noticed another presence in the room. Having no intention of disturbing her peaceful time jungkook silently sneaked towards the small glass table situated near the window on which some files and his laptop was placed. It was only eight o'clock so the hard-working,passionate CEO decided to finish some of his work.

The room was filled with peaceful silence.
It seemed like no one is there.

When the eyes starts to feel heavy due to sleep y/n removes her gaze from book to look for time. But it fall on the person sitting on couch,eyes digging into his laptop like always. Having no idea when did jungkook came here y/n shrugged her curiousity away.

She placed the book on the bedside table
after adding a bookmark. She stare at bathroom door ,then jungkook and then again bathroom door. At the end she finally took a decision of standing by herself. With slow motion she dragged her legs down the bed. But before they could touch the floor a deep voice stopped her movement.

"What are you trying to do?" Y/n looks up and find her husband coming towards her with quick steps.

"I just wants to use washroom." Y/n offered reasoned response to his question.

"And who allowed you?"
"Do I need permission to go there too?"
"Absolutely right." Y/n was taken back by his words.

"B-but,it's urg..." Her words died down in her throat and instead a gasp left from her mouth when suddenly jungkook lifted her up in his arms and starts to walk in the direction of washroom.

In between,her eyes didn't left his face. His every feature was admired by her and he could feel it but decides to stay silent. Like he wants this too, wants her to keep looking at him like this.

Jungkook place her down while one hand still holding her. Y/n hold the wall to balance herself and when she was sure there is no chances of her falling she lifted her head to look at him.

"I am ok now." Jungkook nodded and slowly left her hand. By the look on his face y/n could say he is still not sure and it made her happy.

"I can manage,don't worry." Jungkook went outside feeling a little assured by her words. But for the rest of assurance he decided to stand beside the door after closing it.

Leaning against the wall,hands crossed over his chest he turned his head and his gaze directly fall on the moon,it always reminds him of her. Just like it shining brightly in between the darkness of night she too always shines even after being all alone.

They both are just like stars and moon,are in the same sky but still apart from each other.

"But they look incomplete without each other just like us."

Washroom door opened and y/n came out, holding the wall for support. She found Jungkook standing there,leaned against the wall, staring into the night sky with a soft smile on his face looking so comfortable and peaceful,admiring the night beauty.

But who tells him this is nothing against him at least that's what her heart says. Y/n chuckled at her own thoughts and this was enough to catch the lost boy's attention. For few seconds he kept admiring her soft smile until his heart urged to confess something.

"Never knew you will look this good."
Y/n's head snapped in his direction. Her eyes travelled down and fall on his extended hand. She look at him for confirmation before holding it. But what he did next increased her heart beat. He comes closer to her and slipped his fingers in between her's and tightly intertwined both of their hands.

Y/n feels like her heart will leave it's place and will jump out piercing her body.

While Jungkook's eyes were not leaving the sight of their both joined hands. The admiration in his eyes was obvious. He comes more closer to take a closer and clear look,unaware of about what he is doing and how his actions are impacting the girl he is holding.

"They fit perfectly." His heart was beating loudly in happiness while his words which were inaudible confuses the girl.

"Y/n!" He called her as he lifted his eyes to look at her. She could feel his hesitation so without thinking twice her another free hand slipper around his neck while his another one hold her tightly through her waist. The unfamiliar touch cause her to inhale sharply.

Their both eyes met and they feel everything around them stopped. There is nothing just them in each other's arms, eyes trying to read other's emotion.

"Can you please say fast? My leg is hurting now?" Y/n whispered and both of them chuckled together.

"Sorry to say but you have to endure few more minutes." His hands were shaking and she could feel it against her skin. This raised her curiousity.

Jungkook inhaled a deep breath before he finally spoke up the words his heart was desiring to say from so long.

"Y/n,I want both of us to always stay with each other no matter what because just like the stars need their moon, I need you in my life." He confessed,eyes full of genuineness and a hope to be accepted. Luckily he didn't stuttered and for this jungkook mentally pats himself proudly.

Y/n,the girl turned into a living statue. Her heart was beating faster than a bullet train and breathe abnormal. The emotions which were buried deep inside her heart are now coming out and making her throat burn and eyes sting.

For a moment she actually believed it's just a dream. But the gentle breeze of long summer nights, caressing her face made her realize that it's not a dream.

Its literally happening with her. The hold,his soft gaze,the closeness,the confession is not a dream,every single thing is real. And this realization allows the painful tears to roll down.

"I always wanted both of us together." She said as small sobs come out from her mouth remembering those days where she wanted nothing but her husband.

"I know but I am asking for my confirmation If you still wants me or not. I have a doubt on myself." Jungkook said and didn't wiped her tears because he wants to how deeply he hurted her to know how far he have to go to heal them.

"Even after you pushed me away my heart still wanted you and it still does." Y/n confessed and it brings a small smile to his face as internally he sighed in relief.

"As you now finally give me your permission,I promise to always stay by your side and fill this distance of our hearts."

"I promise y/n I'll drew you closer to me gradually by my efforts and sincerity."




My romantic aatma 😀wrote another romantic chapter to satisfy your all romantic fantasy 🤡

And yeah twanku for 200k read counts on this story. I am so grateful for your support and love towards this story✨💞🤧

I am so kind right?
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