A sign from heaven

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A/N: i'm not sure about the title it was the best thing i could come up with here


Tim and Lucy were the proud owners of a playful and affectionate and energetic Kojo. Kojo had been a loyal companion to Tim and Lucy for many years, bringing joy and laughter to their lives.

However, as time passed, Kojo grew older and weaker. It saddened Tim and Lucy to see their beloved pet struggling with his health. They did everything they could to keep Kojo comfortable and happy, but it became clear that his time was drawing near.

One bright summer morning, as the sun cast its warm glow over the town, Kojo quietly passed away in his sleep. Tim and Lucy were heartbroken time tried to stay strong for lucy while she sobbed on her knees next to where kojo was laying whispering in her ear " baby its okay i'm so so sorry" he said while tears also fallen down on his face. They had lost a cherished member of their family, and their home felt empty without his presence, without him there was no more eggs and salmon for breakfast, him barking at the door when their kids got home and definitely no more zoomies around the backyard.

Days turned into weeks, and sadness lingered in the air. Tim and Lucy missed the wagging tail, the wet nose, and the warm cuddles that Kojo had provided on the days where they had a rough shift. It was a void that seemed impossible to fill.

One evening, as Tim and Lucy laid on the grass , reminiscing about their cherished memories with Kojo, a tiny black and white kitten with bright green eyes stumbled into their yard from the bushes . It mewed softly, looking lost and scared.

Tim was hesitant about taking the kitten as it came from an unknown location. but Lucy wanted to take it in and care for it saying it was a sign from kojo. Lucy kept begging and asking Tim if they could take it, his face softened and said they could " babe thank you " she said while hugging him then guided the kitten back inside for food and to wash the kitten up.

after taking it to the vet and keeping it

Tim and Lucy immediately felt a surge of compassion for the little kitten. They named the kitten Luna, inspired by the beautiful moon that shone brightly that night.

Luna quickly filled their home with her mischievous antics and boundless energy and Matthew and Angel loved playing with her. She would playfully chase her tail, pounce on toy mice, and curl up in Tim and Lucy's laps on the late nights they camped on the couch while Luna was purring contentedly. Luna had a personality all her own, yet she reminded Tim and Lucy of the joy that Kojo had brought into their lives.

With Luna's arrival, the sadness began to fade, and a new chapter unfolded in Tim and Lucy's lives. Luna became a cherished member of their family, providing comfort and companionship just as Kojo had done before her.

Although Tim and Lucy would never forget their dear Kojo, they knew that their love for him would live on through the memories they shared. And as they watched Luna playfully chase a sunbeam across the room, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and happiness that their new furry friend had brought back into their lives.

And in their hearts, Kojo's spirit lived on, guiding them on. 

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