| 19 | - Freaking Out

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Wendy is internally freaking out.

She has been doing that the whole day but it seems to increase especially with each passing second.

Today she has decided to take an early shift so she could go home and prepare in time for Harry to come pick her up as planned.

But Hailey's constant...

"1 hour left"

"45 minutes left"

"30 minutes left-"

"Okay I get it Hailey... you're actually making me more nervous with that" Wendy chastises just as a customer approaches.

...Didn't help matters at all.

"I'm so sorry about that but I'm just here to tell you... 20 minutes left" Hailey scurries away to get more cups for the coffee.

"Is everything okay?" the customer asked concerned as Wendy had turned to look back at her friend who had briskly walked away only to collide with Maverick.

"Yeah sure" Wendy turns her attention back to the customer with a smile.

"You actually look like you're at the verge of something but I don't know what it is..." the customer admits thoughtfully.

This causes Wendy to laugh and the customer too after which an order is placed alongside some little chitchats alongside it.

It's these little moments and customers like this that make working at Bontega wonderful.

After the shift which ends at 3pm, Hailey decides to accompany her friend home where they have a little girls time which no one knew exactly how the discussion went in the following direction.

"I am a strong independent woman and I need no man in my life" Wendy says.

Both Wendy and Hailey are in robes with their hair tied in a towel as a face mask is on their face  and cucumbers cut in a circular shape rests on their eyes.

"Cheers to being strong and independent women of valor" Hailey turns to Wendy raising her own glass of orange juice to have a toast just as one of the cucumbers resting on her eyes falls down.

"Cheers" Wendy replies as she raises her own glass cup.

After a few seconds of trying to locate each other's glass cup so they can have a toast... since both women have their eyes closed... they do and drink from their orange juice.

"I love being independent, it's wonderful" Hailey comments.

"It's truly a beautiful thing" Wendy adds.

An iPhone alarm can be heard a second later.

"Why is your phone making that noise?" Hailey asks.

"That's the alarm I set for my date with Harry" Wendy replied absentmindedly.

"Wait... how many minutes left till the actual time?" Hailey asks somewhat returning back to her normal self.

"30 minutes..." Wendy let's put a sigh before suddenly sitting up as if reality just set in causing Hailey to do the same.

"Oh my God! I have a date with Harry in 30 minutes"

Let's just say you can now envision a montage of a young adult who's date is in less than 30 minutes that hasn't prepared for it.

"Are you ready?" Hailey asks Wendy who's behind a makeshift reveal curtain.

"Yeah... let me just..."

The sound of a zip is head.

"Yeah I am... close your eyes" Wendy instructs.

"Fine" Hailey groans audibly but obliged.

Wendy steps out of the curtains and stands in front of Hailey.

"Open your eyes"

Hailey slowly opens her eyes and a look of surprise is visible in her face.

"Wow... you look amazing" Hailey compliments.

Wendy makes a little twirl in her wine colored tea length dress with white abstract outlines on it.

Her hair is curled on the lower ends and the light makeup she put on does an excellent job as it's hardly noticeable because of her natural beauty.

"Remember these heels?" Hailey asks with a smug smile while raising a pair of 7 inch heels.

"I'm going on a date... not gold digging" Wendy chuckles as she goes to collect a more down to earth yet fancy pairs of heels.

"Oh yeah you're right... your grandfather was a miner and if you were a gold digger that would literally be hashtag genetics" Hailey says thoughtfully.

"What?" Wendy turns to look at her friend with a strange look. "That actually made sense in some way..."

"Yeah... you're right" Hailey nods.

Wendy received a text in her phone which thankfully was at arms length where she sat while putting on the heels.

- Harry ❤️
I'm here


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