| 22 | - Sober Times

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The opportunity for Wendy to speak with Tom doesn't come up as she would have wanted it to.

Well it's not too far fetched other than the reason that her exams are quite near at hand and she has to study for them alongside working at the coffee shop.

Although the thought got pushed back in her mind, it was never forgotten... just there, waiting to resurface.

While Wendy was busy with contemplating whether or not she can juggle all 3; Reading, Working at the coffee shop and ultimately going for her exams, the universe decided to work in mysterious ways.

"Hey Wendy" the voice calls out.

"Hey... Tom..." she couldn't believe her eyes, it seemed like she was imaging him standing there and this whole interaction so far is just a product of her daydreaming.

"How are you? It's been... a good while" Wendy manages to chirp in with a small smile.

"Yeah" is all Tom replies.

"Ok, What would you like to order?" She asks.

Tom seemed to go through the menus as noticeably new inventories have been put in. He finally made his choice and placed his order.

"I know this is not the best place and time but... I tried calling... and texting..." Wendy explained, "... but it's good to see you here"

"Thanks" He replies as he collects his order, "I'll be going now"

"See you around...?" Wendy asks with noticeable amount of hope in her voice.

Tom stops and turns to look at her, "My exams are taking up almost all my schedule, let's see what happens after that" Is all he says and continues walking.

That was a good start, right? Wendy thinks to herself, at least things are begins to fall into place. Sort of.

"I guess you two are finally working things out...?" Hailey asks in a tone that sounded more like a question as she comes to stand by her side after watching their interaction from afar.

"It's too soon for me come to a conclusion but I think I can safely say we're getting on the verge... I don't know" Wendy admits.

"Don't worry, he'll come around" Hailey assured.

Speaking of Hailey, her relationship with Maverick has been sailing on a nice both with beautiful tides so far and it's all Cheryls and blossoms for her. There's no minute that won't go by without her smiling from ear to ear whenever Maverick is around. Before now, they work during the same shift twice a week but for some very known reasons, they work when the other's working.

Maybe that's what's called couples goals.

Moving on to Harry and Wendy, theirs is nothing less. With constant dates, flowers and even at some point surprise shopping which her Brother Damien has begged Wendy if he could accompany them but she would always respond with "No". That did not stop her from giving a few of the things to her brother.

Wendy would sometimes wonder what she did to deserve someone like Harry in her life, he's such a handsome and charming young gentleman who treats her like royalty and respects her. This one time she has truly felt a connection to Harry and she knew things has gotten past the stage of both of them just liking each other.

She would always remember the first time she went to Harry's house, it was something that brought her a feeling of nostalgia that would make her laugh... in the good way.

Harry had planned to have a dinner date at his house, but Zavian as Harry would put it "destroyed his plans" by nearly burning the kitchen down.

They both walked in to Zavian trying to put out a fire.

"Oh she is beautiful" Zavian complimented with a smirk and unknowingly leaned on the burner and got burnt a little causing Harry to let out a laugh all the while Zavian's let out all the curse words he knew.

It wasn't a major burn as it healed up within a weak leaving no scars at all.

Wendy shakes her head with a little chuckle at the thought.

As she lies on her bed later that day, she deliberates the idea of introducing Harry to her parents, it has been on her mind for some time now.

The more time she contemplated the thought, the more she would not summon the courage to speak with him on it.

Making up her mind, she decides to speak to him about it tomorrow.

What would Harry say?

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