Chapter 6

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"He's not okay. He's not okay."

Phichit woke up in a hospital, so white and clean. The last thing he remembered was his coach standing over him with the most worried expression, and a comforting stroke on the head from Seung Gil.

Where was he?

In a bed, of course. But where was his coach? Where was JJ and Chris, and where was Seung Gil?

Who was the person speaking?

"He's awake," said the voice again.

"Good," came a relieved voice. Seung Gil. If Seung Gil were here, then everything was going to be okay.

"Phichit? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Phichit tried speaking. His voice got stuck in his throat. He tried again. "I'm okay." This time was better.

Seung Gil picked up Phichit's hand and grasped it tightly. "You lost consciousness after I carried you out of the staircase. Who hurt you?"

He didn't want to tell tales. He was scared that JJ and Chris would come after him again (I know their personalities aren't like this in the anime but I have to make things spicy). Seung Gil squeezed his hand as a white-cloaked lady came in.

"Good news, he's okay. Bad news, his ankle needs three months to rest or so. He will be out of skating for that period of time," the lady drawled.

Phichit's heart dropped. How was he going to represent Thailand if he wasn't even allowed to skate on the ice anymore?

"He's not allowed? Not even to train just a little?" Seung Gil said in disbelief.

"Sir. Do you want your friend to have a constant injury for his life?" the lady snapped. "If you don't want to, then I suggest you listen to me."

"That will do, Evelyn," said another voice. How many people were here? It made his head spin.

"All you have to do is make sure that you are rested, and that you don't do anything silly," said the new voice. Phichit supposed she was speaking to him.

"O-Okay," he rasped.

"Then you're free to have free time with... your friend," said the new voice and the door shut quietly with a click.

Seung Gil stroked Phichit's cheek. "Yuri was so frantic once he got the message, even Victor seemed worried. They've cancelled the skating until you're ready, by the way."

"Phew," cracked Phichit. His voice wasn't ready yet. Luckily, the rest of the time was just holding hands, so he didn't have to speak.

Before Seung Gil left, he told Phichit that he would have to stay in the hospital for just a little longer before leaving.

"O-Okay," he said and then disappeared.


"What are you doing here?" snapped Seung Gil. Usually he didn't speak that much, and usually he didn't even say things that loud, so JJ and Chris were a bit intimidated.

"Is it illegal to drop by on a rink mate?" smirked Chris.

"Technically, we need to TALK with Phichit."

Seung Gil slotted the pieces together.

"Are you two the ones who hurt him?" he snarled suddenly.

"Well, I don't think you could put it that way," said JJ smoothly.

"Shut up. You hurt him," hissed Seung Gil.

He launched himself at JJ.

"Seung Gil? Are you fighting?" Phichit called.

"If you lay a hand on him ever again, I swear I'll rip your throat out," hissed Seung Gil.

"Seung Gil?" Phichit called again.

"Coming," Seung Gil called, giving JJ and Chris the death glare before entering Phichit's room again.

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