Chapter Twenty-One

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"We've been going through the targets life for two weeks now, I just think it's time to be more active with our planning." Ann explained, watching Campbell sit at his desk. His eyebrows crinkled with distaste, as they did any time she shared an opinion. "If Mr Shelby is to have any chance at surviving-."

"Need I remind you, your thoughts weren't asked for." Campbell scolded her like a child caught stealing. She grinded her teeth, but stayed silent. "Or have you forgotten the hierarchy of this operation?" He stood and walked towards up, his limp worse without his cane. "You're no longer a rogue agent, you report to me and I say you continue with research."

"Research can't only include the targets history. At this rate, Tommy won't have enough before the day comes." 

Campbell didn't respond, but as he stopped in front of her, she could see the glint in his eyes, and it told her everything. This was exactly what he wanted.

"You do as I say, and you report your work. Those were Mr Churchill's exact instructions." He finally spoke.  Ann's eyelashes fluttered with anger. He repeated those instructions at least twice a day, just to remind her that this time she was under his thumb. "Or should Mr Churchill be told of the repeat in your growing affections for Mr Shelby?"

"There are no affections...sir." She forced the word out, but it still seemed to please him. 

He slowly brought his hand up and curiously brushed her cheek. She moved her face away.

She would have stepped back, but the door was in the way.

"What is it about him?" He asked, sounding condescending and genuine in the same breath. "Is it the violence?" He moved to touch her face again. This time she stepped to the side, only for him to grab her arm, and slam her against the door. "Is that all it takes to wake you up?"

"Get. Your hands. Off me." She lifted her chin, making sure her words came out slow and firm.

"You do as I say." He repeated, his words slow too. He moved closer, so close she could feel his breath. Then as she cringed, he buried his face into the crook of her neck and took a deep breath. 

Every instinct in her body screamed at her to fight back, but she couldn't hurt him. One strike was enough from the head of her organisation. She couldn't hurt his favourite employer's prize officer.

Finally, Campbel pulled away, a wide smile on his face, as if he was surprised she'd let him get so close. His curiosity returned and his head tilted as he mulled over a thought. Then he took a small step back. Before she could exhale, his hand struck the side of her face, and her head snapped to the side as she stumbled left. She brought a shocked hand to her burning cheek.

When she looked back at him, he was watching her, as if waiting for her reaction. He was trying to see how far she'd let him take his new role in leadership. 

 Ann swallowed the angry lump in her throat. If she lashed out, he could get rid of her. One word to Mr Churchill, and he'd believe she wasn't fit for the job. She couldn't be kicked out knowing Campbell was setting Tommy up for failure.

So she straightened up, and Campbell's eyebrow rose, amused.

"Get back to work."


Ann sat on the stairs of a small apartment building, across the street from the Eden Club. She pulled her compact mirror from her coat pocket, and checked her aching cheek. Her skin, that was once red, was covered in face powder, but the corner of her bottom lip had started to swell.

Just three more months, and she could leave and feel lighter...right?

Tommy finally came out of the club, and she put her mirror away. She'd made sure to sit near his car, so he walked towards her. It wasn't until he crossed the road, and finally noticed her, that she straightened up. 

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