King Mochi

18 2 15

TW: implied stalker/stalker situation

Just teach and keep them safe.

That's what Yumiko was instructed to do.

Like a sacred oath that these teenagers were more important than herself.

"Hey, calm down guys!" Yumiko shouted across the classroom, stopping the whiteboard marker that she was trailing along the board.

"Sorry Kakyoin Sensei!" The class said, sitting back in their chairs.

"Thank you, I can't do my job with all this noise," Yumiko replied, going back to writing, "so, in the fable we read today, can anybody tell me what hints we're given about the setting?"

Yumiko turned around, looking at her class and picking a student with their hand raised.

"We're told that there's a Samurai, so I believe that's a clue that it's a fable written either a long time ago, or about a long time ago," the student answered.

"Good answer!" Yumiko said with a smile, writing down the evidence on the board, "are there any other clues?"

"The outdoors are often described as dark, so I believe that the fable takes place often during the night or evenings," said another student.

"Awesome! Great work so far guys!" Yumiko exclaimed, writing more down on the board as the clues flooded in from the students.

"Alright everyone, we'll continue this discussion tomorrow! Great work today!" Yumiko said, beaming at her students as the last bell of the day rang, the students packing up their stuff and flooding out the classroom door, nearly stampeding Josuke on their way out.

"Sorry Officer Higashikata!" One of the students chirped from the hall.

"No problem! Just here to bring your teacher home," he chuckled.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Yumiko asked, dropping into her office chair, a soft cardigan draped over the back as her shirt creased with the bend of her waist, tucked into the waist of her pants.

"I came to keep you company and then bring you home," Josuke explained, leaning against Yumiko's desk.

"Thanks, I've got marking to do so it'll be nice to have someone with me," Yumiko replied, opening a drawer of a filing cabinet and grabbing a stack of unmarked tests.

"So, how do you like your job so far?" Josuke asked, taking a seat on the wooden surface of the desk.

"It's fun, my class is fun to work with," Yumiko said with a smile, scanning over a test and marking each question with a check or an X all in red ink.

"They seem like a bunch of little rascals," Josuke chuckled.

"That's what makes them a fun class," Yumiko grinned, "how was work for you today?"

Josuke sighed, "pretty much the same, working over minor pick pocket cases, entering info to the database, that kind of stuff," he said, "but I did get something weird today."

Yumiko looked up at him, curious, "what was it?"

"This weird file, classic stalker crap," Josuke sighed, "cut out letters and everything, it was a threat against me. I don't really believe it but I think we should take some extra measures, which is why…" Josuke said, shuffling through his pocket, "I'm thinking of adopting this guy from work," he said, sliding a photograph of a German Shepherd across Yumiko's desk.

"A police dog?" Yumiko asked, with concern on her face.

"Well, we tried to train him to be one, but he isn't that frightening, but he's got a hell of a bark," Josuke replied, "they're gonna send him to the shelter, but I'm thinking that it could be a good idea to adopt him."

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