
16 2 13

TW: mentions of attempted kidnapping, aggressive dogs, violence, also childbirth happens

The cold February air brushed up against Kakyoin's nose as he stood outside the front door, wrapped up in a thick coat.

The only sound other than the whistling wind was the sound of the front door opening, Josuke stepping outside.

"What are you doing here?" Kakyoin asked, turning to the young man.

"I thought I'd help out here," Josuke said meekly.

"Hey, that's my baby sister up there," Kakyoin hissed, "I've witnessed three births in my lifetime, all my children, and I know that even with medication, the pain is indescribable, and my little sister is upstairs, unmedicated, performing the most difficult task known to man."

"But I'm scared…"

"You might be scared, but she's the one who's pushing an entire human out of her body, she needs you right now Josuke," Kakyoin said, giving Josuke's shoulder a tight squeeze, "so you go get back up there, and be by her side, you won't want to miss the birth of your son."

Josuke nodded and rushed back into the house, dashing up the stairs and down the hall past Henrique who sat patiently outside of Josuke and Yumiko's bedroom.

He quickly shut the door behind and ran over to the bed, where Yumiko lay on her back, sweat rolling down her forehead.

"Josuke?" She asked as Josuke grabbed her hand.

"I don't know what the hell I'm doing but I know it's the right thing when I'm doing it with you," Josuke said, panting as he gently kissed her knuckles, "so let's do this together."

Yumiko nodded softly, her head turning back to Noriko, who was stationed at the end of the bed.

"Ok honey, it's going to be really hard but the baby is crowning and you'll just need a few more pushes, ok?" Noriko said, patting her daughter's knee.

Yumiko nodded.

Noriko smiled before shouting, "push!"

Yumiko forced every muscle in her body to contribute as she pushed, squeezing Josuke's hand in the process.


Again and again the process repeated until Yumiko felt as though she was about to give up.

"Hey, you can do this, he's almost here," Josuke said, kissing Yumiko's cheek, "just one more and it's all done."

Yumiko nodded softly.


Yumiko's body contracted one last time before relief flooded through her, a feeling of weightlessness as the shrill cries of a newborn filled the room, Johiro finally being laid on her chest.

"Look at your beautiful baby boy!" Noriko said, gently wiping down Johiro as he squirmed, his fists opening and closing against Yumiko's skin as he wailed.

"Josuke, look at him," Yumiko sobbed happily as Noriko dried Johiro's hair as best she could.

"We've got another red head in the family," Noriko chuckled, pulling the soft towel away from Johiro's head, leaving soft spikes of red hair sticking up from his scalp.

"I love him so damn much," Yumiko sobbed, trying to smooth down Johiro's hair as Josuke kissed her forehead.

"You did that," he chuckled softly, tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he gazed lovingly at his girlfriend, and then his son, "you did that babe."

Yumiko smiled at him as Noriko took Johiro to clean him off before Kakyoin suddenly burst through the door.

"Hey, we've got her," he panted, the sound of barking dogs ringing throughout the house.

Kiss (Josuke x Pregnant OC)Where stories live. Discover now