chapter 3

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Author pov:

Y/n: let me go bastard..!!

She struggled in his grip punching on his back with her little fist. Walking into a guest room he closed the door pinning her on the door.

Y/n: leave me..!

Jungkook: quite..

He said placing finger on her lips, making her shut.

Y/n: wh..wha..what ar..are do-

Her words came out as a muffle as he smashed his lips on hers taking her into a streamy kiss.

Once realisation hit her hard she kept her hands on his chest in attempt of pushing him.

Y/n: mm...

She tried to talk making him deepen the kiss. She again took his lips in between her teeth as she bit him hard making him pull out of the kiss.

Jungkook: you are so wild kitten..!!

His remark made her speechless as she looked at him with angry eyes before she started cursing him.

Y/n: what the hell are you doing bastard..?! Why the hell did you kiss me..!? Ack..

Her words stopped in middle as she felt herself in air. Her body was dropped on the soft mattress as he hovered above her making her gulp hard.

Jungkook: aren't you cursing too much..!?

As she slowly shook her head while gulping.

Jungkook: where did you boldness go now huh..?!

He said as he traced his back of hand on her face making her gulp more harder.


He stared at her face for a calculated seconds before smashing his lips on her.
Her hands went to his chest as she started hitting him in attempt to break the kiss.

His hand pinned her hands on the bed above her head as his another hand made it's way to her shirt buttons as he undid making her shock as she struggled more.

His lips left hers as they traveled to her neck as kissed her slowly. He pulled out feeling something watery on his cheeks,
She's crying..he hates so much seeing tears in his eyes.

Y/n: please don't do this..!

She sobbed while closing her eyes.

Jungkook left her hands as he got up from bed making her sigh in relief. He just walked out not saying anything,and locking the door.

Y/n went towards the door as she tried to open it ,she banged on the door not getting any reply she just sat on the ground crying.

Jisoo: what did you do..?!

Jungkook: nothing..

Lena: don't be so hard on her Jungkook you know that she doesn't remember you now we shouldn't force her and make a bad impression on ourselves.

Jungkook: that's my wish..!

Jennie: she'll hate you.. don't be stubborn jungkook..!! Listen to us..!!

Jungkook: get out everyone..!

Lena: we won't leave her alone with you.. don't be stubborn.. understand...!! She.don' so stop with your stubbornness. Listen..we can't explain everything to her from starting..she won't believe us.. she's so spoiled like she grew up in rich family.. who's that Hwang..?!

Namjoon: he's Mafia King before 22 years

Lisa: before 22 years.. how's she related to him...?!

Jimin: granddaughter..!

Jisoo: huh..?! How can she be his granddaughter..?!

Rose: wait a minute..?! How did he take her from hospital..!?

They all heard Rose voice as she came from upstairs.

Jennie: where were you all the time..?!

Rose: i was upstairs..!

Lena: y/n didn't see you with us..?!

Rose: no she didn't..!

Lena: great.

She exclaimed in happiness.

Jin: what are you talking baby..?!

Lena: listen everyone...we can't keep her here just by saying that's she's Jungkook's wife,we are her family, she won't believe that.

Jungkook: I'm not understanding noona.. please be clear.

Lena: look Jungkook let the reason we brought her here is because your a rival of her grandfather. So let's just treat her as a hostage. We still don't know about the details of that Hwang the only source to get information is y/n. She didn't see Rose with us. So let's treat Rose also like that like our hostage. That's the only way to win her trust. As per we know she's a soft hearted she'll believe people more easily.

Lena scanned Rose face which was busy thinking.

Lena: Rose can you do it..?!

Rose: huh..?! Yea..i mean YESSS..!!! I'll do it..!!

She said as she looked at Jungkook who was looking at her with hope.

Lena: in this few days we should make
y/n remember her past. I bet that Hwang didn't knew that we brought her here. There's no connection between y/n and Hwang.

Jimin: we took her mobile while kidnapping.

Lena: we should make her contact him..!

Suga: yeah.. that's the only way to get that bastard out.

Lena: we should treat her like hostage remember jungkook. I know that she's your wife you both loved eachother. But now she don't remember you. Days won't remain the same,it will change,she will remember you you both will get back together,for that we should wait for sometime hm..!?

Jungkook nodded at her as words.

Lena: Rose your shouldn't fail in this..

Rose:i won't...

Jisoo: Jimin treat Rose just like Jungkook did to y/n lock her on same room as y/n.

Jennie: connect the call from your smart watch. And tae give her mobile-

Lena: no don't give her phone.. Rose erase everything from your mobile or anyone have new mobile..

She said looking at everyone.

???: I have..!!

Lena: lilly..

Lilly nodded at her with smile.

Lilly: I'm very happy to see Mrs Jeon again. I would like to help too.. please let me help.

Lena flashed a smile at her taking her mobile she handed it to Rose.

Jin: tell that it's your mobile make her contact with that bastard.

Rose nodded as Jimin lifted her on his shoulder as she started fake shouting and cursing him.

Rose: aaaaaaa leave me alone you bastard...!!!!

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