chapter 18

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Author pov:

The silence engulfed the living room as no one talked it has been nearly one hour. Y/n eyes didn't leave the main entrance. As she was waiting for her husband to take her back.

He eyes shifted towards the old man who was looking at her with a straight face.
Her head shot up towards the main entrance as she heard foot steps. Her legs automatically rushed towards him as she throwed herself on him bursting into tears making him more angry.

Y/n: Jungkook-shii I want to go home..

She said inbetween her cries making him clench his jaws as he looked at the old man who was looking at the scene with straight face.

Jungkook held his wife's hand as he walked towards outside but the old man words stopped him.

Mr Hwang: he shouldn't get out with my princess...

The old man ordered which made Jungkook chuckle as he turned towards him before pulling y/n closer to him.

Jungkook: let's see that..

Ha Joon: stop playing appa...i told you he's taking everything seriously.....

Mr Hwang eyes shifted towards his son was so done with his son's behaviour.

Ha Joon: Jungkook it's late stay here and go tomorrow..

Jungkook felt his hands being squeezed by his wife's as she was not okay with the plan of staying there with those unknown persons.

Jungkook just walked out not caring about their words. They reached their private jet as they flew to home.

Y/n: who are they Jungkook-shii...? You know them... why are they talking with you so casually..? Why didn't you coke fast...i was so scared...why-


He yelled at her making her flinch at his outburst. As he threw a vase making her flinch again.

Jungkook: can't you be careful..? How can you just get kidnapped like your a 3 year old kid... don't you know how to take care of yourself...why are so reckless...? Why the hell are you so careless...?

He yelled each word making her cry silently. He was not in his sense his anger issues kick the best of him. He himself didn't know that he was shouting on her.

Jin: Jungkook..

Jin warned him which he didn't cared.

Jungkook: do have to take care of you like a fucking 3 year old child...?! Your grown up for fuck should be careful stop being reckless..!!!

Her eyes were shedding silent tears which he didn't care about.

Y/n eyes shifted towards jin who was looking at her with a worried expression.

Lena: jungkook stop-

They heard foot steps rushing outside as suga landed a hard punch on Jungkook face making him shock.

Jungkook: Hyung..

Suga: WTF did you just do..?

Jimin made his way outside following y/n

Lena: what's wrong with you Jungkook..?! Why did you shout on her..?

Jin: didn't I tell you to control your anger issues..?

Realisation hit him like a truck as he rushed outside like a mad man.
His eyes searched for her but there was no glimpse of her.

Jungkook: Hyung she's not there...

He said like a mad man while suga just glared at him.

Suga: that's your problem..but for God sake jungkook one scratch on her your dead in my hands...

He warned before heading outside.

Jennie: y/n-iee please don't cry...

Y/n: jung... Jungkook... Jungkook-shii..he...

Words didn't made their way out as she was hiccuping inbetween her cries making Jennie more worried.

Kai: y/n..calm down first.. Jimin what happened..?

Kai asked him making him sigh as he told everything to Kai.

Jennie: that idiot has anger issues I told him to take therapy.. see where it lead to..

She blabbering not caring about Jimin's signals.

Y/n: anger issues..?

She asked sniffing softly. Which made Jennie freez on her spot.

Jennie: huh...? Haa yea... he..

Kai: he cares for you y/n..he was not angry on you...he was on the person who kidnapped you..he just didn't want to fight with them infront of you so he took his anger out on you....

Y/n: aniyo.. Jungkook-shii is angry on me..he told I'm reckless and careless..

She stated as she started crying again.

Kai: should I beat the shit out of him..?

Y/n head shot up towards Kai with wide eyes.

Y/n: huh..?

Kai: your like a sister to me y/n..and I don't like you crying because of someone either it's Jungkook or anyone....
If you continue crying I'll beat him..

Y/n: ah.. aniyoo.. don't..

She said sniffing slowly making Kai smile internally.

Kai: Jimin take her home..

Y/n: aniyoo..i don't want to go home..

She said as she became clingy onto Jennie making Jennie smile.

Jennie: y/n-iee with stay with me okay.

Nodding her head like a baby she looked at Kai who nodded his head.

Y/n: I'm hungry..

Jennie & Kai: awwww

Kai: I'll cook something delicious for you..

Y/n: Jimin oppa don't tell Jungkook-shii that I'm here..

Jimin nodded his head as he mumbled to himself..

" he will be going crazy by now.. "

A loud sound followed by a thud was heard as everyone rushed towards the living room.

Lena gasped seeing a man being dead in the centre of living room. Her eyes slowly shifted towards jungkook who was sitting on the couch holding a gun in his hand.

Lena: jungkook..

She whispered lowly seeing his state.

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