chapter 21

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Author pov:

He held her in his arms as she held him more tighter like her life belongs on him.
Neither anyone spoke nor anyone moved from their positions.

Jungkook: princess..

He spoke as he pulled out of the hug his eyes fell on her swollen red eyes which were staring into his soul.

He observed her expression as he knows she's getting angry by seeing him. He clearly observed how her eyes ball were shifting from one eye to another,how her lips were moving as she was biting her teeth.

A loud slap echoed the room as his head turned to other side by her slap.

Y/n: you're

She bursted into tears making him panic.

Jungkook: do.. don't cr...cry princess...ple.
Please don't cry... listen I... I'll.. I'll explain Eve everything in detail and every truths.... please don't cry baby it's killing me..

He begged making her look at his as his hands wiped his tears as she sat there waiting for his explanation.

Jungkook: I'm a Mafia,a real one drug dealings, gun dealings,killing,murders.. I do all of these .. I'm being frank..but.... But I promise princess I don't hurt innocents
After I thought you were dead I killed the truck driver who hit the car.. there it started... my brain was fully occupied with your thoughts... it's was driving my fucking crazy... I drank all night I even drugged my self..then jin hyung told me to stop all these...i tried but I couldn't..
The only way to forget is keeping my self busy with all those bullshit works..i ...i didn't have an other option princess...
But even I'm busy these shits..i can't forget never left my mind...

Her eyes were filled with tears as she saw him crying.

Y/n: ca.... can't leave everything.. please.. leave everything jungkook....!!

His turned to other side hearing her request as he shook his head.

Jungkook: i can't..

Y/n: WHY..! WHY CAN'T YOU...?!?
I don't want to live like this I don't want you killing people...i don't you to do all those illegal stuff...

Jungkook: it's a one way princess...once we step into this world we can't get out easily... either we should be the weak one and get killed by the strongest....or be the strongest and kill the weak.... I have you..i don't want to lose you again...i can't even imagine my life without you that I have to be the strongest to protect you..

Y/n just stared at him not speaking anything.

Jungkook: but I'll promise one thing one can harm you..i not even one scratch on you...i promise to protect you-

Y/n: what about you..?! Do you think I can live without you..?! What if something happened to you..?! What if you get hurt..what

She hiccup-sed as tears made their way out of her eyes making his smile.

Jungkook: you love me..?!

Her eyes which shead tears before few seconds were now glaring at him.

Another loud slap echoed the room as his smile broke into laughter making her more angry.

Y/n: DON'T LAUGH..!!

Jungkook: you're so cute..i can't help..

He said as he laughed out making her continue her glaring.

Y/n: stop...

He stopped laughing as he saw her expression was different she was really pissed.

Jungkook: I'm sorry..

He whispered getting closer to her closing the gap between their bodies as his hands made their ways to her waist gripping them as he jerked her towards his sealing his lips with hers.

He literally eat her lips out while his hands were playing with the zipper of her dress.

Pulling out of the kiss they stared at eachother not speaking a word.

Y/n: I'm hungry..

She stated making him chuckle at her smartness. As she knows where the situation is leading to.

Jungkook: me too... I'm hungry too..

He said as he flipped her over the bed Hovering on her making her breath heavily.

Jungkook: first let me have my dinner hm...

He said looking directly into her eyes.

Her body jerked when lips landed on her clothes nipple as he sucked the like a beast making her moan loudly.

Her hands made their ways towards his hair as she gripped them. His lips moved downwards making her breath hitch. His eyes bored into hers as he removed her panty within a second.

She shifted her eyes away from him when she saw him leaning into her cunt.

A sharp loud moan echoed making the man proud of himself as he ate her out more roughly making her body feel different emotions as she was liking it.
He buried his more deeply making her grip on the sheet while arcing her back.

Y/n: ag..jun..

She couldn't speak more as he was driving her to her edge.

Her heavy breaths were heard as her eyes were fixed on the celling not waiting to meet his mischievous one.

Her body jerked once again as she arched her back feeling his fingers inside her.

Jungkook: look at me doll...

He spoke in his dominant voice making, thrust his fingers more deeply making her moan.

Y/n: fuck..

Jungkook: yea... I'm doing that..

She moaned making him proud as he hovered above her as he continued his work.

Jungkook: when I am fucking you.. your eyes should be on me.. understand..?
Eyes on who...?!


Jungkook: whom am I to you...?!

Y/n: hus... husband- AGHHHH

She whined as he pulled his fingers out .

Jungkook: who am I ...?!

He asked as he thrust his fingers into her again.

Y/n: d.... daddy...

He chuckled at her answer.

Jungkook: do you want me do it faster..?

He whispered as his eyes roamed on her facials expression as she nodded vigorously.

Jungkook: words ....I need words doll..!

Y/n:.. yeaaaaaaaaaa..more..

Jungkook: sure my princess gets what she wants.

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