|7| Joohyun

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*They looked at each other for several seconds, both of their hearts racing like crazy. Until the boy started approaching Joohyun. She didn't know if she should move too or just stand still. When the boy stopped right in front of her, he took off his glasses and Joohyun gulped because she immediately knew who he was. She was afraid that he would curse her for falling on him*

But instead he told her "Hey!"

Joohyun rolled her eyes dumbfounded "Hi..." she answered him "I-I'm so sorry I bu-bumped into you..." she said with her head down

"Oh my god! What are you saying? Don't apologise. I was also abstracted looking at my phone..." Jungkook told her as he took off his hat and fixed his hair

Joohyun was taken away and only saw his hair rather than hearing his words "What lovely hair he has" she thought

"Are you ok?" he asked her and Joohyun came back to reality

"Oh sorry... I-Ι didn't hear you..." she said

"Its because of my hair?" Jungkook said and ran his fingers through his hair again to tease her

Joohyun immediately blushed and Jungkook saw it "Why are you blushing now?" he said with a naughty smile on his face

"I am not blushing!" Joohyun told him and gave him her back

"Ok! Whatever you say" he said and crossed his arms on his chest still looking at her

Joohyun turned her head and gave a look on him "Why are you talking to me?" she asked him and turned all the way around

He was shocked with her question. He didn't know what to tell her and how to tell her. "Uh... I... Look" he said, taking a breath.

Joohyun was just looking at him. "I'm looking for a girl... and I think... I'm not sure... but I think... you're the one" he showed her his phone which showed her profile.

Joohyun grabbed it from Jungkook's hand and tried to process what had just happened.

"Is this you?" Jungkook asked her curiously

"Yes. This is me... but why do you have my profile on your phone?" she asked him, looking up from his phone

"I wanted to meet you" He told her and took his phone from her hands

"Why??" Joohyun asked him still trying to process what had happened

"I saw your comment and I wanted to meet you because you seemed interesting to me" he said with a small smile forming on his face

Y/n blushed again and covered her cheeks with her hands because otherwise he would see them. "I seemed... interesting... to you??" she finally said

He nodded his head "Yes! By the way... w-what's your name?"

"Joohyun. Cheong Joohyun" she told him

"You have a beautiful name you know..." he said and smiled at her

"Thank you!" she bowed

She took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the time "Its 16:00 o'clock already..."

He thought for a while and asked her "You have eaten?" she shook her head negatively "Good! Come to eat with me!"

Joohyun rolled her eyes "But you don't even know me!" she told him

Jungkook looked at her "I know. That's why I want to eat with you! To get to know you! Now come!" he started walking towards his car and Y/n followed him

"And why do you want to know me?" she asked him while walking next to him

He gulped "Ehh, why not? It seemed like a good opportunity to meet new people"

"Oh. Ok! I understand... But why me?" Joohyun stopped walking

He looked back "I told you. I found your comment really interesting..." he continued walking "...and so did i found you" he murmured

*He knew that this was not the real reason. But the other one was a little bit complicated to explain... They both continued walking silently towards his car until they reached it*

"You have a beautiful car!!" Joohyun told him with a big smile on her face

"Thank you! Come inside" he said and opened the passengers seat so Joohyun could seat


*Joohyun passed in front of him to get into the car. She stopped for a few seconds*

Omg! What a gentleman! And he is really hot too from this distance.

*She looked at his lips for a moment before getting into his car*

What I'm doing. Come to your senses Joohyun!! Come to your senses...

*She said while rubbing her eyes because the night before she didn't sleep at all (she was studding for her test as you know...)*


*He closed her door, walked around the car, sat in the driver's seat and started the engine.*

"Where are we going?" Joohyun asked as she put on her seat belt

"At my house" he replied

Joohyun looked at him for a few seconds without taking a breath. He turned his head and saw that Joohyun was looking at him with wide eyes "Are you okay?" he asked her

"Yes, I'm fine..." she told him and turned her head to the side


Why I am going to his house? I am crazy?? I should have told him that i can't in the first place... But. On the other hand. I want to go... I can't say no to his beauty!!

*She looked at him again and sighed to herself because she knew she was falling in love... this might be wrong but she didn't care*



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